I place two Oasis Flowerpot in my room,and use GardenManager.Plants.Count() and then console print 0 for me. by the way, GameObjectsManager.GameObjects.Where(r => r.Name.Contains("Flowerpot")).Count() will return 2, but r is EventObject will return false. and after i open it by my hand, GardenManager.ReadyToFertilize and GardenManager.Fertilize() can probably be used. test on RebornBuddyCN 315
Hello! I used BotBase Fertilizer before, and placed two flower pots in the room, one is Oasis Flowerpot and the other is Riviera Flowerpot. The Riviera Flowerpot recognizes and fertilizes normally, but the Oasis Flowerpot does not work. Later, in order to test I placed two Oasis Flowerpots, and then the log output was '0 plants found nearby'. However, I have now replaced the flowerpot with the Riviera Flowerpot, and there is no problem with it, so I have no plans to continue testing.