It said no path when destination is on the Isle of Umbra, there is in fact a ferry take us there from Aleport. [09:52:21.256 V] [NavGraph] Failure to find a path from <317.5994, -36.325, 351.6899> Western La Noscea(138) to <-268.0753, -39.06155, 646.2289> on Western La Noscea(138) Can you add a connection for ferry skipper in Aleport to Isles of Umbra? and also vice versa
It's something I planned on adding but other work has gotten in the way. It's something i want to add support for tho.
Aleport Docks => The Isles of Umbra Docks NPC: Ferry Skipper (1003584) (May require: SelectIconString.ClickSlot(2)) Start XYZ: 317.4333, -36.325, 352.8649 End XYZ: -290.0368, -40.97937, 412.9792 The Isles of Umbra Docks => Aleport Docks NPC: Ferry Skipper (1005239) Start XYZ: -289.9062, -41.2455, 406.5156 End XYZ: 318.564, -40.425, 373.1787 I have not confirmed this, but travel may be locked behind quest 66498 (The Reluctant Researcher).