I can't login to rebornbuddy. When i click login button, it pops up a new window exactly same. Please help me, here is the crash log.
Are you sure this is the correct log file? There is some very early diagnostic logging that is missing.
This looks like rb is having a hard time accessing the auth service. Either a local firewall or dns issue perhaps?
New build coming now. With endwalker rebornbuddy's requirements have been updated, please make sure to install the following: .NET 4.8 VC++2022 x64
Hello! The 6.0 RB CPU usage is particularly high, with a SINGLE RB occupying more than 10% Is there something wrong with this
In order to reduce occurrence of framedrops cpu usage maybe slightly higher but I have not seen it be that high. Are you running anything third party? The only way I can reproduce that usage is uncapping the tickrate which should not be done. If your getting >30 TPS then something uncapped it. Should be using the same exact meshes as the global release, do you have a log?
To test this, I downloaded a brand new official RB with no plugins and the CPU usage is the same And it's the same when I switch computers, I don't know what you mean by TPS, BUT I did a graph, and I saw that TPS was only 15, right
I'm able to reproduce it here, if you have very low FPS RB will consume a bit more CPU. I don't think this is that big of an issue as using more cpu is preferred then getting massive framedrops/freezes. Edit: If you want to try reducing the cpusage you can execute Code: TreeRoot.TicksPerSecond = 10; in the console, that should get it to be a little less greedy, as rb is trying to meet 30TPS by default, but the game is running slower then that. I've also reuploaded all the meshes, Garlemald should be working fine now.
[08:07:36.942 N] [GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-360.438, 22, 487.1302> on 958, Stopping. [08:07:36.942 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[GetTo] Couldn't get a path to <-360.438, 22, 487.1302> on 958, Stopping.
Is this still happening? I reuploaded the very latest meshes. If its still happening, please provide a full log
Team up with two friends。in four or eight peoples party,partymembers.VisibleMembers, return me and my friends, no one else