Yo ! I just bought GatherBuddy, and I got a mail : Thank you for your purchase of: 1 - Paid Plugin Key 3 Sessions ( 30 Days ) EU Please find below your activation key. ************************ But when I try to log in, I get this error message: Shared Sessions: 0/0 Invalid Account Details I'm pretty sure I typed in the right account information.. Thanks! Kaizer
Invalid Account Details=wrong username or pass make sure that you are trying to log using your shop info . this is not Gb purchase tho this is paid plugin purchase
you bought a paid plugin key, not gatherbuddy. gatherbuddy is 25 eur, not 4 eur http://www.buddyauth.com/ - but if you did buy GB and the key ... try to log into this link
you have 2 options now buy Gb bot(and request a refund for the wrong purchse of paid plugin) or buy Hb bot and you will be able to use Gb2,Archbuddy and flying profiles using the paid plugin that you have already bought my sugestion is to buy Hb in any case its up to you and depends on what you wanna do
I'm not sure if I understand.. If I buy Honorbuddy, I also get a bot that gathers Herbs & Mining for me? I'm really sorry for being an idiot
Hb has got a Gb2 mode Gb2 is an advanced Gb (better nav and combat) and is a part of Hb and not a standalone bot as Gb but if you want to use Gb2 you must be a lifetimer or a normal Hb owner+paid flying plugin owner(the one you already bought)
This is getting really annoying.. Because I still don't get a shit.. So I'll just buy the lifetime thingie and hope everything is working as I want it to