I was wondering if someone in the community who has a little plugin coding experience could make me a small plug . I am looking for something to work along side eaction that when the seller withdraws from gbank the plugin deposits or withdraws gold so that the toon has exactly 1000g on him every time he visits the guild bank.
Easy Enough to do yourself. Create a folder in your warcraft plugins folder called MaintainMoney and then create these two files. MaintainMoney.toc Code: ## Interface: 30300 ## Title: MaintainMoney ## Notes: Moves money between you and your guild bank to keep a set amount in your pocket. ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: MaintainMoneyPerCharAmt MaintainMoney.lua MaintainMoney.lua Code: local myguild = "YOUR GUILD NAME" local f = CreateFrame("Frame","MaintainMoneyFrame") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function(self, event) if event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then MaintainMoneyPerCharAmt = MaintainMoneyPerCharAmt or -1 else if GetGuildInfo("player") ~= myguild then return end if MaintainMoneyPerCharAmt > 0 then local MoneyDelta = (MaintainMoneyPerCharAmt - GetMoney()) if (MoneyDelta < 0) then DepositGuildBankMoney(math.abs(MoneyDelta)) elseif (MoneyDelta > 0) then WithdrawGuildBankMoney(math.abs(MoneyDelta)); end end end end) f:RegisterEvent("GUILDBANKFRAME_OPENED") f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") function MaintainMoneySlash(msg) if strlower(msg) == "disable" then MaintainMoneyPerCharAmt = -1 else local g = msg:match"(%d+)g" local s = msg:match"(%d+)s" local c = msg:match"(%d+)c" if not (g or s or c) then print"|cffffaaffUsage:\n/mm disable\n/mm <#>g <#>s <#>c" else g, s, c = g or 0, s or 0, c or 0 MaintainMoneyPerCharAmt = g * 10000 + s * 100 + c end end end SLASH_MAINTAINMONEY1 = "/maintainmoney" SLASH_MAINTAINMONEY2 = "/mm" SlashCmdList["MAINTAINMONEY"] = MaintainMoneySlash; EDIT TO match your Guild Name Then ingame type /mm to activate and set how much gold etc to keep on bags Works a treat!!