Hey, I'm looking for a 1-525 ONLY HERBALISM profile for professionbuddy. If anyone could post one it would be much appreciated. Very sorry if this is the wrong section. Thanks
Thats not a bad idea mate, they have released a 1-525 mining one so im pretty sure the herbs is in development or testing would like to see this also
The problem with that is that the bot will still train mining and herbing and when the herbing gets to 50 and he trys to train herbing AND mining he will glitch out.
Yea but I previously had 525 LW and skinning, but I decided to drop skinning for herbalism so right now i have lvl 60 herb and 525 LW, so I'm nervous that if I start the bot on mining+herbalism, it will go and unlearn LW to make room for mining...
In next release I'm including a profile that uses a new feature that I've added to ProfessionBuddy, Profile Settings. It'll allow you to choose which profession to level, mining or herb, or both as well as 2 other setting that allow you choose between selling the gathered items on ah or mailing to an alt and turn ore into bars to be sold on ah which is more profitable sometimes. My profile will not unlearn any professions.