not sure what's going wrong here, tried re-installing HB and clearing my meshes folder. My firewall is off on my PC and my router. this is an example of the messages I usually get "Could not generate path from {-8583.602, -1033.264, 234.6644} to {-8603.963, -951.6576, 279.0151} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly" sometimes it'll path to one hotspot before stopping, otherwise it never starts. View attachment debug log.txt
currently [GB2] Zuabros' Uldum Mining Only 1.3 this happens for GB2_Uldum and Uldum Mining GB2 as well though. edit: and it paths to nodes fine if I'm near them
try this profile[gb2]tonys-uldum-mines-herbs-{500-}.html and if you still have problems post your full log as attachment plz
Still not working for me. When I ran the new one you sent me it moved to a node that I happened to be standing near, mined it, then stopped. log, debug log, navigator log: View attachment All logs.txt if it helps I'm on Win 7 x64 and running HB2 as admin edit: also tried a profile, which used to work, with the combat/heal bot. same pathing problems giving me "System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()" I haven't tried areas outside of Uldum yet but the grinding profile (lectures volatile air) used to work perfectly for me. :/
[21:21:15:923] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Cameron\honor buddy\Featured Profiles\Farming\Lectures Violatile Air.xml you are not on mine profile anyways,catch me on Live Support at
I used the lectures volatile air before hand, that's why it was the last used path... but if you look at the LOG section "lease wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes. Building spell book Spell book built Initialization complete. Loading C:\Users\Cameron\honor buddy\Featured Profiles\GB2_Uldum (1).xml. <------------------------ Changing current profile to level 1 - 86 Starting the bot!" also, do you have skype? I'm downloading MSN now.
in order to use flying mounts on Hb you have to be Lifetimer or to have the paid flying plugin thread closed