Yeah the account hacking really fucks the price. Hard for to compete with people who can get gold with almost zero work.
New armor/mats/flasks etc. New enchants/glyphs. Apparently people are going nuts over new mats as I am selling out 50 stacks at a time on obsidium and elementium ore at around 250g per stack. On a price note. It is hard to move gold atm. I was lucky that one of my sites I sell to offered $2/k last night and needed 76k . However I still have close to 400k in stock that I have made just since cata came out.
I was quoted the following: 700k = Arthas-Horde @ 1.1/k 900k = MalGanis-Alliance @1.2/k 250k = Lightninghoof-Alliance @ .85/k 725k = Tichondrious-Horde @ 1.25/k These were all from CHINESE resellers, unloaded it all from one account, assuming it will get banned, which it probably will, that was 2968.75 in my bank account. I was quoted no more than .7 on all servers a week ago.
Don?t forget that people where having a "free" bot that worked great before, now SGather is a payed one so we might se less kids farming gold with free bots now
Just curious as i'm new to botting. i've made about 100 k, and i'm just hoping someone would be able to help me get started on selling it, with tips or advice. if i can get some gold selling, i'd definitely get more accounts running. And for helping me, i'd get you free cdkeys for your own accounts. thankyou. And if you have advice of where i can sell an account i have laying around with all keys on it, or even one with like 3 [85's].... i'd be very greatful
Gold price go up because now it is much more dangerous to collect and sell gold. Did you see a rise on number of "30 accounts gone..." topics lately ? Simple Supply and Demand. All of my mule account banned for the last 2 weeks, 2/3 of them are "clean" and newly created accounts. Estimate loss is around 4 millions gold and 50+ accounts. Now the good price is easy to understand for me and I'm using it to get back some of the loss.
Not all of the gold farmers disappear because of ban, many of them stop botting and lay low for a while to reduce risk in the bad time (like me). So I guess the price will be doomed again very soon when they reactive their farmers.
price increase that started last week is due to upcoming patch and will probably last 1 week after patch is released. alot of players expected patch last tuesday so the gold sellers probably got an extra good week of selling, i know i did LOL solid 2m at 1.1-1.3 i'm happy and goldless woot!...but it won't last and it will not get higher than 1.5 to resellers and 3 to retail so make the most of it. good luck.
Max i ?v been offered was 0.65 that is a bit low. i?v sold for 1 wont sell lower but there is many that do and it is their fault the price is so low.