I just fond this article on the blizzard website; https://eu.battle.net/account/legal/anti*****ing.html http://tiny.cc/uagmx and I was especially worried about this: "the Windows Process List to determine if any confirmed hacking or *****ing programs are presently open in violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use". So, what do you guys think?
I think you always risk being banned when you use a bot. Although the stuff you read isn't new, and HB is taking precautions against blizzards detection.
They done it since the dawn of ages if I remember right. I am not sure, but I think blizz is not doing it atm because if you look at warden, you can consider it as spyware. Dunno fo sure though.
yes, confirmed. After scanning memory for some time, blizz got tons of complains of privacy violation, so they stopped that.
You're agreeing to there terms of use which states them being able to do these things. It's not against any privacy law to do so if it is declared at first. Warden is still in full swing and nothing has been "turned off" because of some complaints. I've spoken to blizzard employees and warden is still active.
It is not considered spyware either. It doesn't track anything but what it is designed to do, and that is interactions with it's client and server. That is there property and are entitled to do with it what they want and see fit. You as a consumer should read over terms of use contracts before you just click accept, which most people do. But you have digitally signed a contract and agreed to those terms. They're not violating any laws by doing what they are doing.
Any time you bot your risking a ban and you shouldnt forget that or become complacent, you can possibly do things less 'evil' in their eyes in the hope that they will go easy on you should they catch you but the end result is if they do catch you its entirely at their disgresion as to how they punish you
Luckily things like Terms of Use are quite useless in most countries. Terms of Use will not hold up in court in most countries as the law always supersedes ToU. Most legislators know that all this ToU crap is never going to be read, much less understood, by 99.9% of the people. Actually there is no digitally signed contract as Blizzard doesn't have my personal digital signature. They just have their own software saying "he couldn't have done this unless he's clicked Accept" which doesn't hold much value. Next to that; they have had to severely limit Warden's functionality in the past as it *was* actually violating all kinds of laws. For example: It used to read the titles of all the windows you had open when playing WoW. They've had to remove that as it was a violation of privacy laws in a number of european countries.
Well if something is forbidden by law and you are setting up a conctract which is violating the law then the contract can be declared null. So even if someone signed the contract, the contract never excisted. If we look at the defintion of spyware; "Spyware is a type of malware that can be installed on computers, and which collects small pieces of information about users without their knowledge" Now you could say but hey I signed the contract so I knew of the excistence of warden, but if we go back a few years we did not know of the existence of warden and it was only until the big glider case that Blizzard acknowledge the existence of it. And if we take that in consideration I think that warden pretty much fits the definition of spyware and so did the Electronic Frontier Foundation and some other groups. And if I am right now blizz decided to not scan the memory usage of the computer anymore, but instead only to scan the Warcraft game memory space. In fact in the beginning Warden also opened programs and read not only the titles but also what was containing inside it.
Frankly, they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. The "TOS" is basically you signing a lease for the game. They can ban you for really any reason they want... So my motto is, screw em. I bot on my main. If I lose it, so what. SCREW EM.
It is true that they can ban you for whatever they want. That has nothing to do with the TOS though, it has everything to do with access to their servers which they can restrict in any way they want to. It might get tricky in most European countries though as they promise access to their servers when you pay for their game. I'm quite sure that a judge over here would ask them to give a damn good explanation why they withdraw that access or make them pay you back the cost of buying the game (which is really not worth going to court for )
TOS only applies to use of Blizzard servers, which you have to use unless you r runing on private ones. If you read the TOS, it says they may do a lot of things.....scanning process servers.....telling someone they reserve the right to do....and actually doing them are 2 different things......as far as US clients....they don't scan processes, not because of complains, but because of violation of privacy laws.............I assume it is the same WoW wide.
yes u even risk ban whilst playing -normally-. cuz it's -their- game. the have ability modifying rules at any moment in time as long it *synchronizes with* the game.code. let that b the law x']]
Wrong wrong and then some wrong. And no , I wont elaborate. Check your sources before writing next time.