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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by richassman, Jan 18, 2010.

    1. richassman

      richassman New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Allright where do i start.
      I have 1 character, which farms ores - and herbs.

      ores -
      Sarronite ore
      Titatinaum ore

      Herbs -
      The 4 northrand herbs.

      With the sarronite ore i have been selling them (altho i have a 450jcer, but has few designs)
      Selling the sarronite ores at around 15-17g a stack is profitable and is what i am doing.
      Open to sugestions to make this more Profitable

      Titatinaum Ore - Been selling this on the ah ranges from 200-280g a stack. depend.


      With my herbs i have a maxed inscriptioner i have been making nobles this is good but i belive if i sold the raw mats it would be more profitable.

      Sugestions please!

      Anything what can help me improve my methods in making money -- I intend to keep this open to the users of gb soo they can learn what people think is more profitable.

      Also doing glyphs is not possable on my server as there is someone from mta or mti some high tech college in america, made a ah bot which puts all glyphs for 5g, or 1c less than everyone else.
      and he buys everything under 5g. 1c under and he'll buy it out. -- STUPID AH BOTT!

      Soo dw about sugesting glyphs.
    2. Endersama

      Endersama New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Maybe you can answer my question... When you say you would be making more if you sold the raw mats do you mean the raw milled mats or the herbs themselves? I am currently getting a ton of herbs and selling alone, but if i can do 1-450 inscription in a day and double my profit then thats obviously what id like to do.

      Also, if you aren't using auctioneer to work the AH, then download it NOW! auctioneeraddon.com
      That is like my most important addon :D thats how you automate undercutting
    3. adrian97

      adrian97 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      OMG URE SELLING TITANIUM ORE 200G STACK!? on my server they go 1k stack its mad here xD anywayz back to topic -

      if u have a miner then turn the ores to bars, boost my income like 5-6g/stack not sure if its same on ur server but its worth trying :p
    4. gbudz566

      gbudz566 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      OMFG i am going to find that server. i sell titanium ore for 275g/stack and they always sell...but 1k....goddamn i could be ballin
    5. richassman

      richassman New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes inscriptioning is good, But check with your server see if there's anyone running the glyph market because big chance they may be too big for you.
      Also the best addon going is QA -- Quick Aquction -- Best addon around inregards to owning the ah.
    6. Kazoo

      Kazoo New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I make all my money from Titanium ore/bars and Snowfall ink(the green quality ink that is milled best from high level NR herbs.) Titanium ore sells for 400g a stack on my server the bars around the same, and Snowfall ink is about 350g/stack.

      *disclaimer* I have every profession spanning a bunch of characters on the same server, it isnt unusual to make 10k gold in a good day.
    7. Fattyboomba

      Fattyboomba New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I Smelt my Saronite ore and then trade it to an alchy to make into titanium bars (which i sell/ use 3 each day to make titansteel)
      i sell Titanium ore. i sell nobles decks with herbs i gather, i sell frost lotus stacks for 700-800g i usualy get 40 frost lotus depending on day, area and other people

      every fortnite i make approx 40k which i sink into chars i bot to lv80 using honorbuddy :)

      Dont do glyphs, Glyphs is possibly the worst market to be involved in, one day a glyph will sell for 10g the next 50s, just make card decks and sell them, Chaos decks sell for 200g atleast, Prisms decks around 250, Undeath Decks 1k and Nobles Decks sell for around 5.5k-7k (on my server)

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