one thing would be good if you could implement is if you queue as healer and dps instancebuddy will change to the right spec but the cc doesn't change to dps only
Actually it does. On the Healing tab, in the Party Healing and Protection group, the setting Heal When, set this to I'm dedicated healer. And it will only heal - no DPS. EDIT: oh.... I read that wrong I understnad what you mean now. I'll have a look into it and see what I can do. Unfortunately its not a simple case of check what spec you are and heal or DPS based on your spec. Because discipline spec is both DPS and heals. I may add an advanced override setting, if you are SPEC1 then you are a healer. If you are SPEC2 then you are DPS Good spotting, I hadn't come accross that dilema yet
Ok here goes.... this is UNTESTED and if used incorrectly may result in the death or puppies, small children and mutant waffles. There is a new compantion option for "Heal When". You now have a "spec selection". So if you are not that spec it will not heal. That way if your dungeon role is DPS, and you are not in your helaing spec (in this case Holy) it will DPS. This is untested. I have been unable to join an instance all morning. When I zone in I immediately disconnect! Because I don't want to update the SVN with this build until I've confirmed it works I have attached the ZIP file. Someone please let me know if it works.
i would give it a shot but because of the dam bug in IB with lost city i now have a dungeon cooldown from been kicked as i didnt catch it fast enough the bug i refer to as soon as the bot gets in there it runs off into a pack of mobs
Yeah, I was reading that a few minutes ago EDIT: I'm not sure how well IB will detect my spec. I'm Discipline and Holy spec and I've queued as DPS + Healer, we'll see what happens if / when I successfully get into an instance. I don't know how IB determines what your healing spec is, as Shadow + Other its an easy guess, but as Disc + Holy its going to be interesting
Its now been tested - and works successfully. I'll update the SVN shortly. But first I want to do another test under different conditions. Interestingly, IB sees Discipline spec as my healing spec though. I thought it would have prefered Holy spec.
SVN updated. Build 0.0.8 Misc tweaks and such. Resurrection added but untested - I've been trying to kill someone in this group for the last 30 minutes. But with a Shadow priest, a Pally and a Druid no one is letting anyone else die
I'm in the process of re-writing the entire party healing logic. I want something universal that I can very easily use with my other CCs (Paladin, Druid, Shaman) and the path I went down was very specific to this class.
Ill test this out in the next few days, im really looking forward to this because the priest CC have been very poor. So far all I use is your FPS CC's for almost everything I bot, they are all great quility and very welll done.
Testing out Mind Spike atm with a 85 Priest. - Mind spike setting to "only when NO adds" - All dots settings are set to "only on adds" I've noticed it only casts Mind Spike x1 then Mind Blast - It should be Mind Spike x3 Then Mind Blast. Love your work so far !
Noticed that Mind Blast as Pull Spell almost solves it ^^ Just wondering if it's possible to make a behaviour to only cast when 3xMind Spike debuffs on the target?
Done. It is untested - as I don't have a priest of that level yet. Also, this build is not suitable for dedicated healing - I'm still tweaking the new healing logic.
I have an 85 priest (shadow and disc specs), but have no idea how to use SVN or whatever... i shall research this when i get home and do some testing for you. if youd like anything specific testing, i'd be happy to oblige as I really need a good CC for a priest, Raphus' CC's used to be great but he's working on everything nowadays haha