This might be a completely stupid question, and if so, I apologize. I have a few normal WoW accounts and am starting up a botting account on a separate Bnet. However, these accounts will share addon folders and settings folders... These can't incriminate my main account, right? I don't think it will but better to ask and know than to guess. Thanks! edit: One more question! If I want to bot on one account and play on the other, what is the safe way to open the non-botting account? Can I just open it normally, should I open it before or after the botting account?
All it would say is that someone is botting on the same computer. Imagine it was a shared machine at college... If they banned your account, that would not be legal
Is there some way to keep these folders separate for each game. Saving up for a new, separate computer but it will be a while.