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  • Account Locked

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by guggitz, Apr 6, 2011.

    1. guggitz

      guggitz New Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? HONORBUDDY

      2)If so, when was the last time? TODAY

      3)What profile were you using? The 58-70 Horde Lvling Profile

      4)What combat class were you using? Fpsware Hunter

      5)What plugins are you using? NONE

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for? 6-10

      7)How many auctions per day did you have? 0

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

      10)EU or US realm? US

      Okay so I got my account locked today, I managed to get it back by resetting my password. Apparently Blizzard thinks I'm trying to sell my account or something in the e-mail it says "It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell your personal World of Warcraft account(s). As you may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement. If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by Blizzard Entertainment's employees. If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. We have already noted that you are trying to sell your personal World of Warcraft account (s)."

      So my question is, will I get banned are they going to do an investigation of my account? Also should I stop botting all together for now? What do you guys think? Thx!
    2. DX123

      DX123 Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      Not for nothing, but I get about 1000 of those emails a week. You should check the actual email headers to make sure it is really coming from blizzard.com or battle.net.

      Hackers do that so you give up your secret question.
    3. guggitz

      guggitz New Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      Yeah I know I thought so too, but my account really was locked when I tried to get on this morning
    4. DX123

      DX123 Member

      Mar 9, 2010
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      Well.. I guess the first question is.. were you trying to sell it? Blizzard would only do something like this if you were advertising in a chat channel or something. Though to be honest I've NEVER heard of someone getting banned or locked for this reason, and I've been involved in botting for a long long time :)

      I'm wondering if a hacker tried to brute force your account and it got locked and so they sent you that email? Did it ask you to respond directly to it?
    5. guggitz

      guggitz New Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      No I wasn't I'd never try to sell it lol and it asked me to reset my password and to verify I'm the owner and they'll be watching my account or something after I unlock it again so I'm not sure whats up. Maybe because I grinded both my hunter and mage from 60 to 68 one after another? I really don't know.
    6. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you hit a phishing site.. and odds are they got your info cause you submitted it. But regardless.. I would contact blizzard and make sure they actually did this. Never had Blizz contact me about selling accounts like that, only hack jobs. I would recommend also changing your email address to something that you don't use elsewhere....

      But if you submitted your info online.. i am guessing only a mater of time before you find your stuff gone or worse, your account gone.
    7. DarkBen

      DarkBen New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My Account was locked yesterday just like this, but the email i received was mentioning suspect activities and unusual attempts to login. I have the authenticator in place and if someone tryed to get into my account he would no be allowed to.

    8. guggitz

      guggitz New Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      Yeah, but the thing is like I said my account did get locked actually so not sure.
    9. mmo777

      mmo777 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is this the sequence of events?

      1. You get the email saying they suspect you of trying to sell your account -- this email has a "secured link" to battle.net

      2. You clicked the link and input your login info and whatever else they asked.

      3. You try to login to WOW only to find out your account is locked.

      If this is your sequence of events then your account was locked because they got your info in Step 2 and tried to login to your account but they are probably in a different geographic location so the account lock feature kicked in for your security.
    10. riceburner

      riceburner New Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      This happens alot to me before I even used HB. It is kind of like if you go to a friends house and it locked it because your IP changes. Your fine dude.
    11. mistatic

      mistatic Guest

      You just inputted your details into a phishing site GG
    12. haxed

      haxed New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Someone probably tried to sell your account without you knowing if you used a phishing site so blizzard did you a favour.
    13. guggitz

      guggitz New Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      So should I stop botting for now or is it alright to keep going? What you guys think?
    14. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Like I've said before and obviously very few people listen.. create an account on yahoo/gmail/hotmail whatever.. that you will ONLY use for your wow battle.net account. I mean ONLY because you will NOT use this to put on ANY site even this one or even your school. Why? Because those phishing hack jobs get your emails from sites like this and others around the internet (not saying this site gives it out, just saying as an example so sorry Bossland). I've used this policy for a few years and it works. I've not once got a single phishing hack email to my battle.net accounts.

      Or you can continue playing it stupid and fall victim and when you do cry that you didn't do anything wrong cause it said in the email... << LIGHT BULB >>
    15. guggitz

      guggitz New Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      Well I attached an authenticator to it changed my e-mail etc so just wondering if I should stop botting for a few or get back to it.
    16. CP2K

      CP2K New Member

      Apr 11, 2011
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      Just don't worry about it and get back to it. :) You should be good to go!
    17. DarkBen

      DarkBen New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      In my case, the email only came after i received a message that my account has been locked while trying to login to wow.
    18. jawn

      jawn Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I've noticed that there has been an increase in emails from phishing sites where the email itself actually looks legit, no bad spelling/grammer issues as the past, they've even made the links 'show' valid but the under link itself was the bad one. Some email clients won't show you the under link until you've clicked on it due to spam filtering settings and 'security'. Smart phones, unless you watch closely you have a hard time seeing the correct address and when you click on ithe link its almost impossible to see the full url so 99% of the people don't look at that and think "oh its fine".

      Remember people.. if you EVER get an email from Blizzard (or a resonable facsimili) ALWAYS ALWAYS go straigt to the Battle.net site manually (actually open a new browser and type the URL in yourself) and log into your account. NEVER EVER use a link provided in the email there are way to many ways to track things like this. There are ways of even clicking on a site link, going to a remote site that in turns actually pulls info from a legit site... so you will see everything look valid, it messes with your browser utilizing scripting and other programming means thru their own server. This in turns can log key strokes in some cases and other cases you click the button it will redirect you somewhere else as the back code has been modified. Again this is very very rare but has happened in the past (not just wow but other phishing scemes). Its sort of like the situations where if you scan your debit/credit card at atms and gas pumps, the scanners are covers with a secondary scaning system that someone placed there un noticed.

      You might say its too much work for people to do for a game.. but ya know when its done once, its REAL easy to repeat... and if you think it is not serious.. i would say read up on how the government is *****ing down on phishing scams (recently the FBI raiding for WoW Fraud links for example).

      Ok.. and back to the thread.... feel sorry for your loss, its only 72hr... don't fret.. do your think and move on... play the account manually but its ok to mix in some botting here and there. But don't do dedicated botting for a little bit. Remember you CAN type in the chat windows while you bot... this goes ALONG way with those that think your a bot if you actually chat now and then. I've been in situations whre i run battlegrounds for 12 to 20hr stints but i make sure to talk in them every now and then because you find yourself with the same people alot of times. one guy accused me of being a bot once as I was watching... and then 2 more jumped in and said I wasn't cause they have talked to me before so the guy actually whispered an apology. I just ignored him and let the bot continue.
    19. TheOneEye

      TheOneEye New Member

      Mar 25, 2011
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      Has anybody thought of Blizzard itself setting up sites like these in order to do "unofficial research" into suspected accounts? I've been receiving in-game whispers from a character named Blizzard, trying to point me to such phishing sites. But the problem is, the name Blizzard is prohibited for character creation..

      This would be an easy way to screw a hacker/botter, since the whole situation then looks as if someone "stole" your account information. But what if Blizzard employees themselves set this up when they've figured you out? Imagine a situation where someone is employed as a Game Master and he sees somebody *****ing, obviously violating the basic rules of the game. And imagine the same guy explaining to (for example) his boss or the sales department in the corporation why he kicked monthly paying customers out of the game, if they weren't costing them revenue...
    20. desco721

      desco721 New Member

      Apr 10, 2011
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      I don't even open legit emails from blizzard they are douches anyway. I think they get people to hack your shit so you will buy an authenticator and give them more $$$, I mean I seriously wouldn't doubt it. Money hungry bastards. They could charge $5 for sub fees and still be billionaires.

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