Ok, I've waited 48 hours, had the patch, dl'd the updated version (4555) , but before I click, click, click, are the trip-wires in place, etc.. I know the obv safety stuff on my part, but I don't wanna fire up, then soon after receive that email from 'name not mentioned' with the figures 72 in it.... Belt and Braces, ya know, best to be safe than sorry.. Regards
I believe we are as safe as we have always been and you must remember the botters cread, "If you are afraid of losing your account, don't bot". Louis
The trip wire while always be there. And altho im not sure what the DEV's look for it should shut the bot down when that "thing" changes. It's as safe as it's always been to bot atm
Yup, that I agree with, like everything in life, you don't want a ticket, don't speed.... you don't wanna go 'splat' don't jump of tall buildings without a parachute....lol