Ok been using GB for a little while and it has been working very well. downloaded the new update today installed it and now it loads and all that but it goes and gets the first node farms it and then it starts mounting when its almost done mounting it starts moving away, then starts to mount and moves before its mounted. i searched the FAQ and forum but couldn't find anything that worked. mouse to click is on. also i formated yesterday so this is the a fresh install of WOW not sure if that makes a difference but everything seems to be working like before but GB. any help would be great!
i hope this works for uploading the document, couldn't think of another way to do it https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0voBkZpZcP2NWM2M2U4OWItN2JlMy00MTM1LThkYjQtNGEwYjc0NjAwZjZj&hl=en