So im looking to get geared for some epics. I was thinking i needed to do some rep grinding and such. i got the justice gear already but some better ideas would be awsome. Im up for any ideas to get some epics...(with the help of HB) im not interested in running a stuff by hand)
Epics are not so easy to just farm up this expansion. My suggestions would be to level engineering and alchemy for an epic helm and trinket. Of course you can farm the mats or gold to do that with HB. Sadly archaeology doesnt give anything for rogues.
I also suggest honor farming during CTA weekends and buying up all the JP gear that you can. Epics require raiding so you won't find any easy ones except maybe rep ones if you are lucky.
theres like, boe epic helm/neck/chest/hands/belt/feet/rings/trinket/weapons/thrown for'd have to fill in the last couple slots with za/zg gear...although you would probably have to control movement manually, i'm pretty sure you can have the bot do your rotation for you there too vicious gear from arenas/rated battlegrounds would also be an option...but you can def get a nice nearly complete set from just boes, so get farming like atg68 suggested! XD
I think that epics are VERY easy to get now, and you can do it all with HB's help. First farm tons of gold and buy all the boe's you can get. This will fill like your boots, legs, chest, and I think 1 or 2 others plus some trinkets and rings. Others you can do dailies with HB and do the new ZA/ZG heroics for 352 epics with lazy raider so all you have to do is run around and target a guy. Wear the specific faction's tabard to grind rep with them also. But yea I got my pally in ilvl 356 healing gear this way (no rep gear yet) and ilvl 358 prot set with running some PUGs BWD and BoT.
alright i think i will end up snagging some of them from the AH or having some LW make me some stuff. I just want to do BWD so i can get my 521 dps dagger.(im sure its hard) but i need other epics in order to get it. So i guess i will start farming like a madman in order to get it. I am maxed on eng so i will make the head. Thanks for the info everyone. Was very helpful.
Use HB to make shed loads of gold then pay one of your servers top guilds for a boost. I would think a lot of guilds 13/13 have this running as a sideline.