Is there a way to do a harvest report? Someone did it on another post on the gb profile forums, i'm just curious on how to do it. This is what it looked like: [9:04:45 PM:117]: Harvest Report: [9:04:45 PM:123]: Deaths: 2 [9:04:45 PM:129]: Icethorn: 29 [9:04:45 PM:144]: Titanium Vein: 5 [9:04:45 PM:151]: Lichbloom: 28 [9:04:45 PM:157]: Rich Saronite Deposit: 5 [9:04:45 PM:158]: Saronite Deposit: 33 [9:04:45 PM:158]: Tiger Lily: 11 [9:04:45 PM:158]: Adder's Tongue: 14 [9:04:45 PM:158]: Goldclover: 10 [9:04:45 PM:159]: Frozen Herb: 3 [9:04:45 PM:159]: 138 nodes gathered in 2 hours 28 minutes 53 seconds. I'm curious as to what i got overnight, instead of just counting it in my bags. Please and thanks! Postman
debug log This is in your debug log at the end of each session, pull up the debug file in gb directory.