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  • Question about CombatUseItemOn tag

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by -vdm-, May 17, 2011.

    1. -vdm-

      -vdm- New Member

      Nov 25, 2010
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      I hope this is the proper place to post these kind of questions :D

      I'm starting to dig into the time consuming business of making questing profiles.
      The profile is of the undead beginning area because it is fast to repeat with new characters to see what changes so i can figure out how to properly do certain things. So far so good! The idea of the profile is to do as many quests in a certain area as possible, the tristfal glades in this case.

      Now i ran into an issue with the "Ever So Lonely" quest, where you need to beat a murlock to give or take 50% health where it flees for 10 yards or so and you need to capture it with an item. I found what seems to be an excellent CB for this purpose, CombatUseItemOn. It looks like this works, but with my two testing toons the murloc always gets killed before completing the capture. Both the lock & hunter use a pet, both without an action bar and are attacking it. The character runs after the fleeing critter and keeps attempting to use the item (murloc leash) and continues to attack in the meanwhile. By the time it stops, it is either dead or almost so.

      Is there any way to deal with this situation? For example, not attacking if the toon has a pet. By digging in older profiles i could only find CombatUseItemOn method calls with (now) invalid arguments like waiting, range, etc and the wiki doesn't seem to provide a good solution for this problem

      Is there any way to properly handle this scenario? :confused:
      Thanks for reading!

      p.s. It looks something like this.

      <some condition check>
          <RunTo x="2486.775" y="1435.595" z="8.64403" />
          <CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" ItemId="52059" MobId="38923" X="2486.775" Y="1435.595" Z="8.64403" NumOfTimes="1" MobHpPercentageLeft="95" QuestId="24974" />
      </some condition checks>
      Last edited: May 17, 2011
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Vdm,

      For CombatUseItemOn, the attribute is called MobHpPercentLeft, not MobHpPercentage. This could be part of your problem. I'm very very surprised your log is not telling you this. Something to the effect of...
      Unrecognized attribute 'MobHpPercentage' (with value of '95') will be ignored.

      I'd get that repaired, then come back if it still doesn't work. Please *attach* a full log any time you ask for help like this.

      cheers & good luck,
    3. -vdm-

      -vdm- New Member

      Nov 25, 2010
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      Ah, thanks for pointing that out, it's an error i made in the post. (edited)
      Tomorrow i will give a peek at the logs, though i doubt there is mutch there. The behaviour is as expected and correct i think. It's just the scenario that makes it tricky.

      Thanks though :)
    4. -vdm-

      -vdm- New Member

      Nov 25, 2010
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      I think i know of a way to do this.

      Either the profile needs to become semi AFK, with user interaction with the UserDialog CB for certain classes to get around the issue.

      Another option, which i would prefer, is to set the bot to "passive" so it will not attack the mob for certain classes and just let the pet do it.
      Is there such a tag/CB?
    5. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Quick and dirty...
      <If Condition="(Me.Class == WoWClass.Hunter) || (Me.Class == WoWClass.Warlock)">
          <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/petpassive" />
      My concern is the interaction of this with the CustomClass being used. Some CCs may force the pet back to active/defensive, and some might not. Some CCs may send the pet into battle, even if it is on passive.

      This is also 'backwards' of what you ask. The toon is doing the attacking, and not the toon's pet. I can immediately think of no way to let only the pet do the attacking.

      Also, you'd have to remember to 'clean up' after this quest, and put the pet back on defensive.

      Last edited: May 18, 2011

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