Ok so i had my account banned early morning yesterday, And had it unbanned, should i wake 2-3 weeks and then bot again, or should i just forget about botting on this account?
if you dont care about the account go back to botting, if you do, like for example it has your mains on it, then of course dont.
ask yourself why you think you were banned. check logs etc. if you have no idea why then it's very risky. if you know why (e.g. player report coz you looked suspicious), you can be more careful with the routes/behaviours of the bot.
do some questing profiles on the acct. never bot 20 hours a day.... farm for 8-12, quest for a few hours and log off
ye 12 10 hours a day is an avarage what a game can do just log of afther 12 hours one account of my was gone also when i botted 24/7 my own fault i was mad at that time to
With kickazz, I got banned when I was grinding, but I think (unless the bot gets stuck) questing would be 10 times safer. Or just pvp bot from now on. Highly unlikely that anyone would have the time to report you there
dont bot no more on the account, at least that is what i would do if someone would succesfully ban me with a report.