1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Just Honorbuddy 2)If so, when was the last time?: Today from about 2:30-6pm while at work(monitoring it) 3)What profile were you using?: [H] BC 68 - 70 [Kick] 4)What combat class were you using? Latest ShamWOW 5)What plugins are you using?: Was using the paid flying plugin, that's it 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: Botted from about 12:30am-8am afk. Logs seem okay, but check out around 6:40am. 7)How many auctions per day did you have?: None on this toon 8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No 9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No 10)EU or US realm? US I was just doing some grinding to level up an alt on my main account. Been away from WoW for a few months and this is only my third day back. When I was banned, I was in the middle of healing a heroic, which I had been doing most of the night I've included the logs below. The only suspicious activity I see is around 6:48am for about an hour, it seems like he just sat trying to learn a flight path. Does the error seem like he was clicking a ton of times or just seem like it was waiting at the flight path guy? Edit: I've shortened the log to only contain the part I feel is suspicious because the whole log is massive. This is the part I am concerned about. Is this me clicking the flight path guy a lot? Because When I caught it, it had been sitting there a long time, but didn't seem to be interacting with anything. I've got the next 3 days off work and was really hoping to get some hardcore playing in. Looking at the logs, do you think this is worth appealing (since I've seen a couple people on these forums appeal theirs) or should I ride this one out?
From what I know, it looks like you sat there for an hour talking to the flight master over and over.
just email them back and say wtf is going on you were playing in a heroic, and you got logged off. when you tried to log on your password was changed. do not mention anything about being banned..
Dont fight it. Just brings more probs. Just take the ban and ether go back to botting or stop botting all together.
if you look threw other ppls ban/suspensions it seems outlands is getting hit hard. Wonder if they have some auto detection for just that area? maybe to catch all the botters trying to lvl DKs on new servers?
I'd say, only try to protest the ban if you've got perma'd that way they don't go into further review on your account before.
dude trust me... just email them with what i said... i have had 4 banned accounts ( Perm) unlocked within an hour of my emailing by stating the message i typed above. ( only one of those 4 bans were using HB ) fyi: mine were banned doing mixed mode grinding/BG. so i don't do that no more, Arch buddy may take longer but it seems safer. i also started botting immediately after my account was unlocked.
I agree do not protest the ban! You were very unlucky, if I were you I would only use questing profiles, I think they could be watching BC content at the moment, allot of bans coming from there. If I were you, I would not bot for 2 weeks, they I would only use Archeology or BG/PvP bot for levels 6-70. Good luck!
I had a toon talking to a Flightmaster for over 6 hours a couple days ago using a questing profile.. Really shocked i have not received my nasty email yet.
I went ahead and appealed uit last night, but still no reply. Did I appeal in the right place? Went here ... https://us.blizzard.com/support/webform.xml?locale=en_US
Yup and yes always appeal a perma, first off what do you have to lose, secondly he's right don't listen to someone who's never been banned.
grinding 3 days in a row now, 24 hours a day. lets try to get this clear again, i dont believe blizzards tracks you in any way. The only way you will get banned is if they investigate a players report, as they have to. That way they got a. a suspected bot so b. a reason to investigate and c. it doesnt cost em any effort to look for them themselves. 6 months ago, blizzard said : "we are in the progress of developping a sufisticated tracking system", right... thats US... making the reports. They stressed us a lot on forums and such to make reports, keep making them and in the end, it wil be ok. Other reason could be a script that looks for communication to npcs, as some players where reporting ( including me ) talking to flight master for 2 hours. They are not stepping up against bots and warden is a joke. If you have been banned be4, your account might be flagged and watched, dunno, but other then that, im sure its players reports only! Botted for weeks on end, mining / herbing...not even one ban whatsoever. Tried to get the competition banned as he was destroying the ah with his floods. Took 8 weeks of reports on different accounts and from guildies to in the end, to get him banned... 3 days later... he was back botting 24/7 again.
I just got my account back after disputing the 72 hour ban. I mean, defend yourself like you don't even know what happened. And obviously pay attention next time. So, I would say go for the dispute.
So here's the story so far. I decided to be real ballsy about this, considering the conditions. I called blizzard customer service and told him the following "Last night while I was playing, about 9:30-10ish, I got kicked off my account. When I tried to log into my account, it told me my login information was correct. I went to battle.net, checked to see if I could login there in case it was a WoW issue. It said the same thing. I was a little panicky so I checked my email and had an account suspension notice. " He looked into and said that they had reports of my account being involved in botting or a powerleveling service. I denied it and asked what would make them think I was botting? I quit WoW for Rift a few months ago and came back and was leveling up an alt pretty hard, but surely your logs show where I've been in and out of dungeons, chatting it up with guildies, etc. He said well there are only two options a)you're lying, or b) your account was comprimised. I said "Look, I've had this account for 5 years. I wouldn't jeopardize my account like that, with all the work I put into it. Look at my playing habits, I've played hardcore for years now. Now last night when I got logged off, it told me that my login information was incorrect and *I* didn't change it. Hell, I even have an authenticator so I don't know how someone would have changed it." He then gave me some information about how the authenticator is only 99% hack-proof and they'd mark my account as compromised and let the GMs investigate. He apologized for trying to accuse me of *****ing, saying some people "Just do it.". Still no response from a GM to see what their verdict is, but I think I may be in the clear. TL;DR: Called blizzard, denied everything, bitched about how I may have been hacked with an authenticator. EDIT: Response from blizzard Win. But in otherwords, quit that shit. It's goodbye Honorbuddy, for me....For now