i know this is a bit old, but all these suggestions work fine for hunters, you need to set the combat range on the other tab of gb to atleast 20 or it will go in and melee!
My button 6 macro, pulled from wowwiki with a few modifications. And like Wierd said make sure you set your combat range to 15 or 20, mine is set at 15. #showtooltip /castsequence reset=10 Hunter's Mark, Serpent Sting, Steady Shot, Mend Pet, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Focus Fire /cast [target=pettarget] Kill Command /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear
Is there any way to make the hunter back up a few steps, instead of using Disengage? In Mt. Hyjal especially, using Disengage is very dangerous and my Hunter usually winds up jumping off a cliff to his death.
Hi, Lashley, To use Gatherbuddy, a particular set of macros must be placed on your WoWclient's Bar 3. What you need to set up is defined here... [wiki]Gatherbuddy: Macro and Key assignments[/wiki]...but instead of using the druid-specifics in the example, you'll need to use hunter-specifics for each macro. There are a number of Gatherbuddy guides available for new users, and the Gatherbuddy Wiki is another very powerful resource for getting started. cheers & welcome aboard, chinajade
Shift-3 should get you there, if you haven't rebound any WoWclient keys. You can use this technique for Shift-1 through Shift-9 and Shift-0 (there are 10 quickbars total in the WoWclient). If you don't know this, you must be very new to WoW. If that's true, you might want to enjoy the game for a bit, before learning to bot. If you're not familiar with the game world and social protocols, your considerably more likely to be "banned for botting." cheers, chinajade
just bought BG, i read the guide for key but i don't understand something, example : key 1 : air mount i can put the flying mount here, or ONLY macro ? it's same result, no ?
mine;s dying all the time recently. Not sure if it's macros, gb changes or more mobs in Uldum, but I can't get a couple of hours together without it dying a few times.
I use my hunter to bot and I did use these macros, they worked well in WOTLK but I had trouble in Cata so I tweaked them a bit first off I removed the raptor strike and replaced it with a mend pet. With the GCD and such it gets 1 tick off before it is reapplied. Also I took out the macro of Beast wrath because I find it much smoother with just BW. My pet can hit FAR harder than any of my raptor strikes and when your a lowbie in Uldum you might as well keep him alive. Trust me I did it and my deaths were 0. Plus Rez sickness does not apply to your pets dmg so you can continue to herb/mine even with it on you. Try it for yourself, you may look dumb but just use what I tell people " I am BM hunter and a lowbie I don't have the glyph of Mis direct so I sort of have t keep all agg on my pet in order to stay alive." or a "Im a total n00b" but than again if your like me flying around on a Rusted Proto flonting your ICC 25 HM Bane title they may know your no n00b.
The best thing to do is put disengage on the start, distance range on 15 and start shooting cobra shot and explosive shot. Sometimes I get thrown into another mob but then I'll just melee away. Works for about 95% of the time.
Why is my hunter never going at the range set into GB (15 or 20 yd), but always fighting at melee range?
Ok, my nex botting chae will be a melee class, as my hunter never used ranged attacks. Maybe that is the reason of my ban?