A lot of suggestions say to get fresh gear every few levels as to not look like a bot wearing lvl 1 greys, but they dont say what method they use?
sometimes i think some questions are from blizz spys, as for me i get the best greens and any cheap blues going.. i am trying not to play the game by hand unless its needed. With my level bots i have farmed a crap load of blues and 3 epics, most of them wil be getting equipped by one class or another on my account..
I try to buy greens from the AH within 10 levels of my current level. I also like to actually play the toons once in a while -- I hate being at 80 with no idea how to play the class. Therefore I do a random dungeon once in a while -- pick up some BoP pieces that'll last me a while plus prevent me from looking like a total ebay toon in BoEs.
AutoEquip plugin by MaiN. And whenever i'm at the town, i upgrade some parts from the AH if i felt it''s needed.
since i bot almost 24/7 on new chars while lvling, i just buy new gear everytime i wake up in the morning (1-8 levels a night) but ya, other than that, be safe.
whatever crap drops off the mobs is what I use assuming it makes sense of course. Once I had my first 80 on this server I just raf'd them in a couple days so they had bis in the sub 60 range.
I've got a main on the realms I bot on so I usually have a few thousand gold to gear my toons every 5-10 levels.
My fury warrior is dual wielding Shadowmourne and Thunderfury. He's got Thori'Dal in his ranged slot.