Yah so I have been farming this place in Deepholm for some time.. The mobs are none aggressive most the time (So ur bot wont pull to many) and they drop Embersilk by the boat load.. Along with silver, greens, and greys. I made a circle on the map where the place is. The mobs are called Stone Trogg Ambusher If someone could write a xml file for it that would be great! I think everyone whos after the silk wouldnt have to look anywhere else. Honestly I tried to make a profile but the dang bot kept running past mobs.... Thanks plinko
Every area is a low traffic area on my server. I'm trying to put it together, but I don't know how to attack the mobs without running through them yet.
I made a profile for uldum where you can go get Embersilk Cloth. Anyways, here you go, remember to add things to the ProtectedItems if you dont think there's enough on it already. the mailbox and repair is at Temple of Earth, and i did NOT test if it works yet -Let me know if you need some more profiles mate and if this one needs some blackspots/avoidmobs, etc etc.
Hey. Always wheen I wanne Run Embersilk Cloth_Deepholm.xml I get the Error Message: "'The' ist ein unerwartetes Token. Erwartet wird ein Leerzeichen. Zeile 61, Position 23." Can somebody help me or is there another Embersilk profile for Deepholm ? There are way much more Drops of Embersilk then in Uldum besites that at Snottz Landing Zone are no Mobs anymore. Thanks 4 the help.