Hi there. I'm using this CC on my Paladin in BGs, I have to say that works perfectly but it has a behavior that it's driving me crazy and I don't know whether it's the CC or the BG BOT. Instead of running towards allies group in need of healing it goes towards enemies and judge them, needless to say that it draws some attention from other people asking why the hell I'm doing that. If I drive the toon no problem of course but if an enemy pass nearby it will try to judge it Anyway to fix it? I'm using Rev 74, going to install 78 to see if it is any better on this Thanks!
Hi Diocane, This is something that is hardcoded in HB itself. Check out my post regarding the issue: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/support-issues/27103-bg-issue-healer.html I am still hoping for a dedicated dev that can make a bot that overrides HB's urge to chase enemies in BG's, and rather scan the area and follow allies. An updated Squire would be great with another logic when and how to follow allies.
Hey Kayes, thanks for the fast reply. I really hoped was an error in the CC -i.e. easy to fix-. Let's hope somebody will develop something to fix this, it's really annoying.
@xlegendx: provided a good description of the problem and a log i'm happy to think that there is nothing that cannot be solved, if it's CC releted @diocane: are you italian? you nick is not funny. @kayes: right now i'm working on an optmized version of the bot just for 2v2 arena that cut out most of the useless check done. Problem is everything we add something to the CC the cc need to do more checks to know if she need to do the new thing or not. when i'll have done the cc should performe a lot more speedy in 2v2 arena (no tank check: the tank is always the other dude, no WoG vs LoD check, always use WoG, no scan every unit for debuff, just dispell cc from the other unit ecc ecc)
In common.cs line 262 i changed Code: if (!Me.IsMoving) { //WoWMovement.Face(); return Cast("Holy Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); //slog(Color.Green, "Topping off {0} at {1} %", tar.Name, Round(tar.HealthPercent)); } to: Code: if (!Me.IsMoving && !tank.Combat) { //WoWMovement.Face(); return Cast("Holy Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); //slog(Color.Green, "Topping off {0} at {1} %", tar.Name, Round(tar.HealthPercent)); } To stop shit like Code: Topping people off: casting Holy Light on Warrior Cr**** at distance 20.82 with type Heal at hp 11.81 happening during a fight since i am not moving in a fight This lets the CC cast DL etc. when it's supposed to rather than holy light to top people off. Works for me, sorry if not allowed to post code but seen some others talking about it. Delete if not wanted since i am not sure if this was intended behaviour though i can't see why it would be. Loving the CC so far all in all
@Crowley The newest version should have fixed this, I hope O.O If it isn't I have to test it out some more to be reassured.
Crowley's fix is probably the better fix for the topping off bug. The fix that was put into the latest version was more of a hack because the cause of the bug was not known Current fix: Code: if (!(Me.IsMoving)) { if (tar.HealthPercent < FL) { return Cast("Flash of Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); } else if (tar.HealthPercent < DL) { return Cast("Divine Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); } else //if (tar.HealthPercent > HL) { //WoWMovement.Face(); return Cast("Holy Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); //slog(Color.Green, "Topping off {0} at {1} %", tar.Name, Round(tar.HealthPercent)); } } It looks like Crowley figured out why the bug was happening and put in the appropriate fix. Better yet, include both fixes so that the topping off behavior is even smarter. Proposed fix: Code: if (!(Me.IsMoving) && !tank.Combat) { if (tar.HealthPercent < FL) { return Cast("Flash of Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); } else if (tar.HealthPercent < DL) { return Cast("Divine Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); } else //if (tar.HealthPercent > HL) { //WoWMovement.Face(); return Cast("Holy Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); //slog(Color.Green, "Topping off {0} at {1} %", tar.Name, Round(tar.HealthPercent)); } }
Suggestion: I would like the CC to not stand up if I'm eating Buff Food when out of combat. I waste a lot of buff food trying to eat and standing up before getting the buff. Other than that, it's still working great and I love the work you guys put into this CC. @Sm0k3d: I hope that you are doing better and can't wait to see that kick ass UI you have been working on.
I think this is one of the best cc ever but all i ask is how do i turn off the movement in arena as its bad i team up with a hunter and i put beacon on him but if my health is getting low he moves away to follow the hunter instead of standing there to finish his cast and heal himself he moves and therefore interrupts it and then after a while dies :-(
Thanks yea I'm doing better. The only problem is I don't have a computer I can use consistently so the GUI is on hold till I can get going again. Sorry guys
@ilukeen: no, all the setting can be changed in ultimatepalahealer.cs @techz: has been answered a LOT of times, go to ultimatepalahealer.cs and change Arena_wanna_move_to_heal and Arena_wanna_move_to_HoJ to false @_ambush_: what food are you tryng to eat? does it give both a drink and food buff while eating or only a food buff? (while eating, i'm not talking about the well fed buff after 10 sec) @crowleys and skud: crowleys "fix" is pretty dangerous and still do not focus on what cause the issue. i'll try to explain how the flow should work. the cc check if he has something realy important to do (divine shilde, cleanse a CC) if not and someone is under 85 she heals, if not she use judgment, cleanse debuff ecc, if nothing of the above TopOff is called to heal people that have more then 85% hp. for some reason sometimes all the check before topoff fails and the cc heal people on low hp with the topoff function (instead of the Healing function) the "hack" is there to be sure that the topoff funcion, if called, heal with the right spell. the "fix" proposed instead completely bypass the topoff funcion while tank is in combat. what does that mean? it mean that if someone is above 85% (lets say at 86%hp) the cc will only heal him with word of glory or holy shock, effectively wasting theyr cooldown to heal someone that is quite at max hp. if more then one people are at 86% with that "fix" the cc will casto holy shock on the first and then wait for the cooldown to came back doing nothing for the other people at 86% so i do not suggest to use that "fix" a better fix that comes to my mind is this Code: if (!(Me.IsMoving) && tar.HealthPercent>=85) { if (tar.HealthPercent < FL) { return Cast("Flash of Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); } else if (tar.HealthPercent < DL) { return Cast("Divine Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); } else //if (tar.HealthPercent > HL) { //WoWMovement.Face(); return Cast("Holy Light", tar, 40, "Heal", "Topping people off"); //slog(Color.Green, "Topping off {0} at {1} %", tar.Name, Round(tar.HealthPercent)); } } Didin't use this fix on the release couse i do not know why the Healing check fails when someone is low on hp and do not want the cc to (for some reason) completely ignore someone. but if the "fix" proposed by crowley work then this too will work (and will work better )
So this was last week of arena season 9. I played all the season with this cc, playng a frost dk while the cc play the pala or assisting the cc playng the pala while a friend played a hunter. this are the statistic at the end of the season. as you can see the cc alone is better than with me "helping" her, lol
amazing CC. ive been healing BGs, Heroics, ZA and ZG Heroics. i've been compliments quite a few times on my AMAZING HEALING! haha. if people only knew that it was a bot healing. just had a quick question about dispelling. does this CC dispell blackout on the valiona and theralion fight? if it does that could cause a problem. i searched a bit but couldnt find the answer and honestly im too lazy to look through 52 other pages as well. thanks again for this amazing CC!!!
the cc does not dispell blackout, she has a big list of "do not dispell this!!" and ignore any unit that has a debuff in that list (from dispelling at least, ofc she will keep healing ) quoting my first post, under Features
Yea we have a bunch of debuffs that she won't dispell. Of course if we r missing anything please let us know.
Yes, the one that gives both eating and drinking buffs. It's working great with regular food during the run but at the start of a run or when my "Well Fed" buff disappears, I manually eat buff food but since I'm already at full mana and health most of the time when I do that, if the CC has to heal or rebuff somebody, it will stand up before I get the "Well Fed" buff, wasting the food. Not too sure if it's clear or not, as it's getting late and English is not my first language, things get pretty mixed up in my brain