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  • My Success Story So far... :)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by toby2001, Jun 13, 2011.

    1. toby2001

      toby2001 New Member

      Jun 22, 2010
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      Since I've just finished my college exams and I haven't got much else to do tonight, I thought I'd just write a quick success story on how awesome Honorbuddy has been :).

      For a start I used to use mmomimic.... Changing to Honorbuddy actually meant that it was safe to bot (as far as detection by Warden goes). Not once have I recieved an insta perma ban since using honorbuddy ! :D . Infact, i have only had 1 account banned I believe and this is through my own stupidity ^^ .

      With honorbuddy lifetime for a while I was botting an average of 3 accounts which helped fund social life and meant I could buy nice little things and go out and such :) (all of the below are a result of botting using honorbuddy and selling the gold I made )

      I've been able to go to the lovely Bath Spa with my girlfriend

      Generally funds outings like cinema, eating whatever....

      I've re-decorated my room and got a big ass desk which is amazing for study space..

      I upgraded my computer, getting a new case, psu and kick as GFX Card

      I'm actually less than 2 weeks away from going to the awesome Glastonbury Festival with some friends ! :D

      I can't think of the other stuff at the moment, but I have been selling gold a while :). Ohhh and not to mention the many characters honorbuddy has levelled to 85 :)

      So yeh, thankyou honorbuddy, developers, forum support, profile makers etc... :D

      Honorbuddy Is truely awesome and has helped me enjoy some nice cash flow without having to go out to a part time job and all from 3 accounts :).

      Probably could've worded this better and such but just wanted to let people who might be thinking of buying this (if they can read this section) how great this program is.

      Toby :)
    2. Shock18

      Shock18 New Member

      Feb 27, 2010
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      gratz bro
    3. tenymaya

      tenymaya New Member

      Feb 14, 2011
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      grats,,thats very inspiring

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