Just bought this yesterday and haven't got it working yet.. First, i thought that i was suppose to get an email with a user/password to login to honorbuddy but im suppose to use my honorbuddy account/password. Second, im either getting a crash that says.. "Logging in... Buddy Sessions: 1/1 ----- Shared Sessions: 0/0 Error - Endscene hook failed: Could not successfully set up synchronization events. Attached to WoW with ID 3672" or it says "You have used all of your Honorbuddy sessions! Authentication failed!" I've been told to log in to logon to buddyauth.com and kill my session. before i do that i login and i get the "You have used all of your Honorbuddy sessions! Authentication failed!". when i kill session i get the same crash.. Can someone please explain to me how to do this..
thoroughly read the post of the download thread... http://www.thebuddyforum.com/releas...-0-4982-updated-4-2-0-14333-a.html#post311467 specifically the red text
I was getting a crash for a while aswell and it had the most simple solution, just right click Honorbuddy and click "Run as Administrator" .. Worked for me, and the used all sessions might because you kept opening it and it would crash and yeah.
Hmmm, did you do a complete new install? or did you just move and replace? Try deleting ALL old files, (Keep profiles and any important custom classes somewhere else) Then put the new version in a brand new folder, move the profiles and cc's back in and try running as admin then.
did all that. So apparently its my computer because i logged on my account with my friends honorbuddy and it works! At least i know the account works! Lol But i still need to know why it crashes on my computer or it says i used up all my honorbuddy sessions..