I have a few small fixes to add to this, when I do I will update it as you have and add you as credit
Thanks alot for a great profile, used your 1-20, then this to level 40, but was getting kinda low xp/h there so changed to 1-60 Dwarf. Switched back to this at 43 and will be getting to 45 tonight. GOOD JOB!
I noticed today that my bot was selling herbs in Blasted Lands to the vendor instead of mailing them/saving them. Is there a master list of herbs item IDs somewhere that I can add to protect them from being sold?
I ran this profile starting from 20, watched the route then left it for a few hours at night with an auto log at lvl 24. It stopped at 22 after 3 hours of botting. I was in STV at the northern graveyard. Looking at the log I appear to have died several times within 10 minutes and all on the path from that graveyard to duskwood. The first death was from mobs in south eastern duskwood. So my assumption is that instead of going to a graveyard in duskwood, I got screwed and sent to STV which caused the bot to die and then get stuck while avoiding lvl 31 mobs trying to get back. I'm not positive about this and have attached the log for you to take a look at Mord. I was running the newest version of HB and your Convelesence cc as a pally with an appropriate build and recently trained/geared at 20. *UPDATE* It appears as though I left eTrain on. This is an awesome plugin, but only if you're in one of the zones that it supports. I'm gonna try and help Erenion get the fp's closest to where this profile takes us so that this awesome plugin better supports Mord's mesh/profiles.
this is running great on droods x5 @ 18 i edited some of the levels a few ticks down due to 5 droods = power houses and can take higher lvl's easier. thanks mordd!
I used this profile from level 20 to 44 on a Druid. I had to turn of mailing until I was level 35 because he kept trying to run through STV at level 26. Even though I updated the profile not to do this. Once I hit level 40 leveling slowed down a LOT my toon has been always been fully trained, geared and specced but it started to take 7 to 8 per level after this. I ended up having to modify this to kill mobs only the same level or 2 or 3 above and it seems to drop it down to around 5 hours per kill. Other then that this profile was very solid much like your 1 to 20 profile. Very few deaths with a druid. I died more to horde ganking me then I did to mobs. Any suggestions on speeding things up anymore would be greatly appericated. I keep reading people talking about leveling a toon from 1-60 in 3 or 4 days played. Just wondering if im doing something wrong?
Very nice job, I dinged 45 just a few seconds ago. I picked this up at 30 with 2 Heirloom items on a rogue it was about 2 days of straight nonstop botting to 45 Onto 45-60!
Ding! 45. Started at 20with this and your pally cc. Ran as a straight grind, no looting or professions. Ran great, no issues, no deaths. I'm just under 3 days /played with 36 ish hours form 20-45. tyvm for the great mesh, on to 45-60!
At the moment I'm 41, used it from 25 I think and most times it works nice. There are only problems with the ghosthealer, I mean sometimes my toon won't rezz and only stands infornt of BoB (ghosthealer). And because of the "don't go afk"-plugin it stands there the whole day untill I'm back at home. The prob with ghosthealer is that it could not generate a path - of what reason ever. Over this it is a great profile for alliance!
About 15 mins after i went to bed he started to go to STV at lvl31 and spent all night trying to kill a level 39. Installed lootfilter to auto destroy Grey and White stuff, should not need to go to stv mailbox for a while now.
mine did that too, except at lvl 25. I think he mistakenly put the stv mailbox in, instead of darkshire
Since the new release I've been getting this error... [GeneratePath (20-45+_Human_Pally_by_Mord.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 29.90791 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
Doing OK, I've tuned the profile a bit so that STV starts at 31 as the 30-33 part in Duskwood was like pulling teeth. Grinding lvl 25-28 ogres at 33 is like pulling teeth, may wanna tune it up. Other than that gg. =)
I seem to be ending up in the Raven Hill Cemetery a lot at lvl20...which most of the time yields death
awesome mesh, only down thing is that on a server like mine i get flipping ganked in STV so bad lol. slowing down maybe should be another area to grind in but awesome and props