I've been fiddling around with profiles, and profile code, but I have been unable to find much on trainers outside class trainers or hearthstones and hearthstone town setting. I've noticed it don't seem to use hearthstones when it does the return to town trips. Is there a way in making a profile to tell it to set the hearth here, and then use it later as a faster way to get back to town? I thought using it would be easy enough at least, but I'm not sure how to handle the xyz cords that it wants to have. As for profession trainers I'm thinking its best to just leave that alone until you finish leveling then go back and use the profession buddy plugin, I haven't learned much about that yet. (especially for training a new profession)
"click staticpopupbutton1" - Does this go in a CustomBehavior InteractWith of its own or in the same one? I cant find anything for the syntax to use anything related to 'click' I get errors every way I've tried so far. On a more positive note, I found something else in the forums, someone wrote a QuestBehaviour for hearthstones, Ill have to look up alliance info, it provided IDs for horde only, but that may work, Ill find out.
Ah after some Google searching, I believe that was in fact a macro you was suggesting. /click StaticPopup1Button1 two 1's in it, wasn't working at first, thanks Kickazz!