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  • Destination is 1000+ yards away and no hostiles in range, mount problems, AutoEquip.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by mbanar, Jul 25, 2011.

    1. mbanar

      mbanar New Member

      Jul 22, 2011
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      I just started botting two days ago, and I've encountered several bugs that I do not know how to address. I'm filled with problems, and I'd really appreciate help.

      The first (and more annoying), is that the bot will regularly mount up and run through swarms of mobs, dismount near quest objective, and be obliterated by the train that has been induced. But it's not only in seeking quest objectives, but also moving from hotspot to hotspot it seems to be avoiding on physical contact with mobs in between them (even though I have "kill mobs between hotspots" flagged true).

      The second is that I am regularly getting a bug where, in looting, the bot thinks it is some 2000+ yards away from the creature killed.

      "Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Mangy Silvermane
      Looting Mangy Silvermane Guid:0xF1300B6B0044DCB1
      Destination is 2383 yards away and no hostiles in range, using Aspect of the Cheetah"

      Then, the bot will stand stationary for a while and start moving again once the corpse vanishes or if something else moves into its aggro range.

      Finally, my AutoEquip seems to be going haywire wanting to equip my skinning knife and spams the debug log relentlessly, even though I have a 2H weapon equipped and have AutoEquip flagged to use 2H weapons.

      I really like the bot thus far, and I'm hoping I can have some of these issues resolved. Tell me what information to post, and I can.


    2. duplicate

      duplicate New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      i'll assume your using the new 5104 bot, try the older 5063 version, it won't sell greys from your bags but its more stable on questbot
    3. mbanar

      mbanar New Member

      Jul 22, 2011
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      Okay, let me do that real quick. Thanks for the timely response.
    4. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      This happens to a lot of people, and unfortunately, not all of us are running resilient toons like a Paladin. I've been screaming at the bot to turn off "dumass mode" a lot lately because of this.

      If you want a chuckle, contrast your report with this post, which is complaining about the exact opposite problem.

      To say the bot is schizophrenic is an understatement.

      This is BugTracker #1054. If you've a log you can attach to it, it may help isolate the problem.

      Raphus has briefly looked for this bug, and has yet to locate it so far.

      Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
    5. mbanar

      mbanar New Member

      Jul 22, 2011
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      The best way I've found to really fargo that mount problem is to just not mount at all and use the talented Aspect of the Cheetah.

      I mean, as a player, I can rationalize mounting up, running through a mob and past it to drop aggro on it.. but not mounting up, running through hotspots specifically marked to contain 5-6 mobs a piece and then to a quest assignment hotspot some 50 yards away with a small militia of murlocs hot on my heels that catch up and murder me instantly. That's just madness.

      I'm running FPSWare's Hunter.. I wish there was a way I could get to auto-feign after dismounting, or if that's obvious, auto-feign after dismounting if in combat. Is that hard to do?
      Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
    6. Transactions

      Transactions New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      This is happening to me ever since I got my mount, It makes my character die a lot. I also get some kind of bug when picking up quests where it hands a quest in then closes the quest window and re-opens before it accepts the new quest, It's really annoying

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