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  • Users Requests (Bot additions / fixes / etc)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Kickazz006, Apr 28, 2011.


    Which feature(s) do you want? (Multiple accepted)

    1. Native Flying

      0 vote(s)
    2. Better BG Logic (Explain)

      0 vote(s)
    3. IB AFK (Explain)

      0 vote(s)
    4. Water Support

      0 vote(s)
    5. FP's fixed

      0 vote(s)
    6. Better Documentation

      0 vote(s)
    7. Use Guild/Prof Perks (Explain)

      0 vote(s)
    8. Other (Explain Thoroughly)

      0 vote(s)
    9. Native 'Use Transports'

      0 vote(s)
    Multiple votes are allowed.
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    1. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Alright guys, this is a thread for user requests which I would like to see (some of my ideas) as well as what you guys think should be added to HB.

      So I'll throw the first stone (or boulder) and see where it rolls!

      (this is not in any particular order)

      Profession's Training while in farming mode (skinning for instance) :: Quest / Grind (yes, I know we have PB, but if PB can do it, it should be able to be done in the original bots as well)

      Alpha flying with a popup box stating that there will be issues, please QQ m0ar

      Behaviors fixes / additions for me and and other users... most notably: Vehicles and minor other tweaks

      PvP / BG bot logic is always welcome (I don't pvp much, so don't ask me).

      Logic =/= the bot sucks and goes and stands in middle field
      Logic = After X happens, then do Y or Z or W etc etc

      Do not flame here
      Do not post inappropriate stuff here
      Do not post counter productivity comments here

      This is for users to voice their opinions w/o their threads getting locked, their bug report enhancements getting locked and thrown out, and for everyone to see what the community wants.

      If you want something, please think about it thoroughly and possibly add some logic so that the devs don't have to randomly pull stuff out of "thin air"

      I would like a behavior to tell the bot to mesh from 1 continent portal to the other ... ie: <GoTo Continent 0 /> if i'm on 530 (go to EK from BC)

      anyone who is an admin / mod or a contact of mine can see the link below for additions that are very high on my priority list for questing bot:

      ^^ If you're not my contact, sorry. And no, if you don't have an avatar, i'm biased and won't accept u as a friend (sorry :p) (but if you want me to be your friend, just friend request and you can see the thread)

      Anyways, throw your idea's around guys!

      Plugins that are available from requests:
      GB2 / Hotspots Recorder
      HB Pause Button
      Logout at Time / Level (needs updated!)
      Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
      Nexxy likes this.
    2. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      if-conditions for hasminion and on the behaviour site :

      i need behaviours for vehicle ui that, target mobs with a certain npcid and a list of auras (or all of them except those with one aura)

      also i want a vehicle behaviour that presses buttons based on localised emotes,yells, says , ui messages and icons in them. You can give a list of buttons and the events you should listen for that button and if we get a match: press it
      at the best prefix it with the client locale, so that you can print a warning if the user has a locale we dont support YET", for the rare case that its not russian german or english

      also make it possible to make vendors only available between completion of quest a and quest b, silverpine and ruins of gilneas are at war, so if you get or loose outposts, because the worgen overrun the place or you beat them, it is not a good idea to get back to a place haunted by elite worgen ;)

      i need to check for 2 small areas in my if condition, and i heard there are areaids for subzones like sepulcher or some inns. how can i a) dump that id b) use it in an if condition without a heartstone there?

      following problem: i have a questmob that is immune to damage until i overload his shield by destroying his minions NEAR him.

      i have a vehicle that just needs to shoot a ball through 2 chimneys, and as far as i can see, you just have to mount the vehicle and press the button, but hb wants a targetid, which i cant give you

      the if-condition for auras should take int arguments, aka spellid as well as the actual name

      If you are rooted in place like this: Quest Giver - Spell - World of Warcraft , dont call the stuck and pathing system, endresult is only getting logged out.
      This is related to the issue with moviesequences.
      Nesox turned it down as invalid, but i don't think waittimer is a robust and elegant solution. Quit being lazy guys ;)
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2011
    3. zuabros

      zuabros Active Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      1) G2 extracting engineering clouds (with zapthrottle mote extractor)
      2) GB2 fishing pools (selectable)
      3) Build in profile creation tools

      Ok, all above can be done (and has been done) with plugins... but more and more plugins make botting heavier and heavier...
    4. gimik

      gimik New Member

      Jul 18, 2010
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      I would like to see an addition made to the Pvp/BG bot so that if you're in a group that is que'ing for battlegrounds, you can set the bot so that it won't try to que itsself but simply accept the bg when it pops.

      Example: I was doing BG's with my buddies but i had to go afk for awhile and didn't want to go afk and get deserter, i turned on the bot and it played the rest of the game but then once it ended it que'ed on its own and i joined a separate BG than my friends.
    5. Impala

      Impala Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      BG logic, eye of the storm going for bases and not flag

      defending bases on arathi basin
    6. Litesung

      Litesung Member

      May 21, 2011
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      For better BG logic, a combination of killing more possibly, searching for enemies on route to next hotspot, etc.

      For better IB logic, it can follow the tank's path (write the path in the mesh that the tank took, and follow it possibly). User input as well to inform of certain instances which require specific actions which can be built into IB.
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2011
    7. stealthy

      stealthy Member

      Jun 25, 2011
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      I'm leaning on Better BG Logic.

      As it is, I'm using the "BG Bot [Beta]" mode and it seems to be a bit too funky at times.

      For instance, in Battle for Gilneas (one of the many this happens in) it -loves- to just run back and forth between the same couple points.
      It also has a nasty habit of taking the most fucked up paths to get to a player. Case in point, in Alterac Valley as horde, when fighting just on the Stormpike Relief Hut side of the bridge, it loves to go halfway up the hill by the siege engine and stand there with someone targeted. I'm melee. This is pretty retarded. There are no errors, exceptions, or other warnings in logs - it just stands there 'til I nudge it closer to someone.

      All in all, for a bot which is named after Honor farming, its BG / PVP support could really use some love.
    8. twistedintel

      twistedintel New Member

      Oct 3, 2010
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      I would love to see an option in the interface to be able to set window opacity / "Stay-on-top mode"
    9. Jon310

      Jon310 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I voted BGbot improvements and a timed logout option.

      AB is almost perfect. The few things I would change are to randomize the first node the bot goes to. Force the bot to stay at a node if there is no one else guarding it. Countless times I've been called out for leaving a node undefended.

      IOC has a few snags too. The bot should go through the main gate when the game starts instead of using the teleporter. Only bots use the teleporter and its easy to see who else is using honorbuddy. Also, horde should default to Workshop, and Alliance should default to Glaives. If this isn't possible I'd like to see you be able to have an option to choose defaults for both Horde and Alliance even if they are different defaults.

      SOTA has almost too many to mention. I wind up humping the blue gate throughout the entire match when attacking and going to the yellow gate and staying there the whole match when defending. I see that the bot is recognizing that the gates are destroyed, its just not acting on them. The bot should switch back and forth between the intact gates closest to the beach, so that it makes sure to not only see that gates are destroyed but always remain in the action. Defending or attacking, always being at the next target will ensure it stays in combat and gets action. I once had a match that me and a horde druid killed each other over and over in front of blue gate. both of us using honorbuddy taking turns killing one another. Doesn't look good.

      AV should push south/north and be as far as the farthest party member. If there are people from your team at the relief hut, that's where you should be. Even if it leads to a small increase in deaths, it will look better to be in the action and not standing around mid field with the other botters, going to no where in particular.

      The Battle for Gilneas is looking alright. The same complaint as AB, don't leave bases unattended.

      WSG is pretty good, it goes after flag carriers if they are near. Same with Twin Peaks.

      EOTS is decent. I would like to see the bot use the middle rock when jumping off the platform. Currently it just jumps all the way down, not a big deal, but still. I'd put a little less emphasis on the middle and switch back and forth between the bases, also never leaving them undefended.

      As far as the timed logout option is concerned I would like to be able to put the bot on for an hour o so while I pass out. I used to have this with a few old plugins, but they have stopped working quite some time ago.

      Thanks, Jon
    10. Spanishguy

      Spanishguy Member

      Jun 26, 2011
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      I would have to say better BG because I believe BG is safe to lvl an account with while at the same time gaining honor points to gear yourself up. A bot gathering full of epics seems less botty becuase you just have epics... and bgs help you achieve those epics. Questing is just plain buggy and impossible to afk with and grinding is too high of a risk to lvl with, so BG is really the only choice for me and many others. Currently there are really no highly developed BG porofiles so i beleive they need to be worked on. I am having the following Issues:

      - In Warson Gulch, After my character dies and rez, he gets suck in the ressurection graveyard of the horde, running towards a wall for like a minute, and then he leaves.
      - In warson gulch, there are some spiked woods where my character gets stuck at as well.
      - In alterac valley, it gets buggy at the botton graveyard of the horde(the one to the most extreme south) and as well it is extremly slow to find a group of people. It runs into groups of alliance instead of staying behind his group to heal.
      Overall the bot is extremely slooooow for me and some of the stuff it does just make it look like a plain real bot.

      (sry if i dont know the graveyard and location names, im new to wow)
    11. Pearl1219

      Pearl1219 New Member

      Jul 7, 2010
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    12. chemical

      chemical Active Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      Battlegrounds: i would like for my shaman for instance to get the flag in WSG. or cap a tower in AV. be more productive instead of running around from point A to B.

      Questing: find some way to get rid of those annoying quest you pick up from dropped items. also a auto dump your bags(every damn thing) to vendor button . i swear my guy sits at a vendor for atleast 2 hours because he either has a dropped quest item or he won't sell his green+ white items. which i have tried to change in profiles but still sits there for hours..

      Raf: partybot could use some tuning up. my guys always end up running away from each other lol one always gets lost. i want to set up a 2-3 man set up a tank-healer-dps. maybe add some options to partybot for when you just want the person to heal the tank?

      great job with the bot though!
      Last edited: Jul 11, 2011
    13. lekaf

      lekaf New Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      i'd like to see an option that let the bot logout after 'x attempts' selling to the vendor
      i mean, a lot of times i see the bot that tries to sell to the vendor something the vendor doesnt want. so, its not funny to see the bot did it for 2 hours. at the least lets logout after 4-5 times
    14. zarlia28

      zarlia28 Member

      Feb 3, 2011
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      I would love for the BG bot to work half decent. Right now it's very bad, it's really disappointing to since the rest of the bots features work oh so well.

      First off, if I have no clue about any of this stuff, but ill just say what I think needs to happen, you can tell me if it is possible or not.

      1st: More then 1 path in BG's. Take ally AV for example, all toons botting will wait about 3 secs after gates on then they will all move out on the exacte same path, this would be ok if the path they followed was actully a path that mostly everyone followed. But the profile makes the bots run around weird rocks beside the path and then down near Balinda and not to galv. Please make the profile run to TP and stay on the path the whole time! Also please get the bots to pick a path at random out of like 3 or 4 different paths, even if it is one or two tiles different!

      2nd. STOP THE BOT RUNNING THOUGH THE WATER!!!!!!! Battle for Gilneas, Twin peaks and AB.

      3rd. When sombody attacks you, make sure the bot follows them. As a healer my bot will just stand there healing itself and never move toward the target.

      I'm going to bed now, I shall add many many many more things tomorrow. I'm sorry to say this but the BG bot needs MAJOR improvement.
    15. btaddict

      btaddict New Member

      Mar 30, 2010
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      any chance for allowing us to switch CCs without restarting the bot?
      I generally run instances as a resto druid, and fill in the downtime with gb2 and/or archy.
      HazzResto is great..but completely useless if you actually get attacked...
      and quite frankly, a lot of the newest "dedicated" CCs are only good for the one role they're designed for, be it dps or tanking or healing..and a lot of them have disabled movements which make it impossible to multitask between instances.

      or even better, something that has a check. for example:
      if in instance and is healer, use x cc
      if in instance and is dps, use y cc
      if in instance and is tank, use z cc
      if not in instance, use xx cc (leveling, gb2, archy, etc)

      And a built in "pause" button.
      that and fixing the crashes on stop bot that seem to happen sporadically
    16. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      i can only agree on that after botting my season 10 gear on yet another alt.

      honorbuddy was started as a bg bot, yet it seems, no offense, as you dont put any effort in it at all no more to make this part better.

      i cant run several bgs cause it obvious makes me look im a bot.

      Av pathing... for real? stuck at so many places

      wsg ... stuck in ememy flag room.

      ab... running around like a moron following the water line, part in water and out

      eots... running to flag spot and thats it.

      Isle of conquest... LAWL.. all bots go through the portal on a open gate at start with an open keep door?

      no way to make a - IF open then go tru, if closed, take portal- ?

      gilneas... not even bottable... bot stays running in to the door and does the unstuck movement. so after running the unstuck

      movement for 1 min be4 start, your allr spotted and not even needed no more to go out.!

      im sure i could point out some more issues in others, but on the other hand, im sure you as developers, and all respect for you, you

      could run the bot tru bg's yourself and see that this path logic is old... and needs to be revamped...

      I can see whos a bot in bg... VERY clearly, and if i followe em around... it only shows im right....

      theres loads of em, but that doesnt mean, i need to be spotted cause of old bg pathing.

      please, with sugar on top!

      AND i know, its says BG Bot Beta....but its saying that since start... and im getting lil annoyed with it.. as so far, since i started

      it always has been beta, and all questions asked, where answered with , this is BETA... well, maybe it is time to make it NON-Beta...

      and release a stable revamped version :)
      Last edited: Jul 26, 2011
    17. lofi

      lofi New Member

      Jul 12, 2010
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      The broken Navigator / mesh system is the greatest flaw affecting HB. To make matters worse, nothing has been done to improve the major issues since it was designed.

      We desperately need the following improvements to Navigator:

      a) Not run so close to edge of cliffs - 90% of navigating issues are due to bot short-cutting a path and falling off. Sometimes it gets stuck in loops trying to run to the same place because it falls every time.
      b) When calculating if it can fit under an overhang it needs to use the character with the biggest hit box (i.e. Tauren). So often the bot gets stuck because it can't fit through on a mount or can't fit through at all.
      c) Allow users to define custom meshes for profiles - In other words, if you won't fix it, then at least allow the users a way to fix it themselves.
      d) Better anti-stuck behaviors. Needs more randomness to be effective and will look less bot-like.
      Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
    18. richarddoran

      richarddoran New Member

      Mar 11, 2010
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      BG logic needs to be looked at again. The logic is much better than static paths, but after having watched the bot for a number of BGs, I can see improvement. Most of it has already been said, pathing is odd still gets stuck on spikes in WSG. If it's standing on a flag, and the bot is the only toon there, it needs to stay there. All the time, I see it run off to a newly capped node, leaving the previous one undefended, often losing the BG for me. I bot as a healer, and I know it's a CC issue, but when the bot tries to initiate combat with an enemy, it has no chance of killing a DPS by itself, it needs to follow a DPS, or if attacked, run to the nearest dps. Fighting alone is the quickest way to get a lot of deaths, and not get as much honor.

      Isle of conquest, Every bot is easily spotted, because when the doors open, all the bots take the teleporter... For the big BGs like IoC and AV, the bot should do NOTHING but follow the main group until it hits the first destination, for AV it should just run stright to galv, overriding everything else, and in IoC, it should run to either Docks or Workshop, depending on where most of the team is going. Also when a side gate is down, the bot will stand in front of the front gate, and get marked AFK and booted out of the BG. It needs to see which gate is down and then go in that way, and when the gate IS down, it needs to go into the base and help DPS the boss, or heal the tanks.

      Classes with stealth abilities, Rogues, Druids, Night Elves, etc, could stealth when they are defending a node, and otherwise not doing anything.

      Any BG with a node that has a banner (IoC, AB, AV, Gilneas), the bot should always check to see if an enemy player is attempting to cap the node, and either AoE the node, or hit/stun the player. Ranged classes should always be in range of the flag to prevent ninja cappers.

      in bgs with Vehicles, Especially Strand of the Ancients, it needs to focus on the demolishers above all else. When defending nuke/slow/stun whatever, when attacking, cleanse the demos, and stun/CC enemys who are near the demos.

      It would also be great if it could try to avoid combat when away from nodes, either by walking towards a node while fighting, or running away while still mounted, ignoring combat altogether.
    19. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Auto Relogger -> done
      Auto Updater -> done and coming with next release
      Timed/Level Logout -> Timed logout is possible with ARelog
      FP's fixed -> one big bug about that is fixed, other one is being looked at
      Native 'Use Transports' -> elevators are now supported. zeppelins/boats not gonna happen anytime soon
      IB AFK -> As soon as big bugs are fixed, its gonna be rewritten from stratch with a lot more options and highly customizable interface

      and yes, we do watch here
    20. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I think it would be great if the pathingsystem, could adjust to diffrent modelsizes.
      a walking female goblin has a diffrent hitbox than a male tauren on his kodo.
      Not sure if it can be done without remeshing the world for each combination of gender,race, mount.

      Underwater pathing is a bit more severe though.

      Collectthings is just a bandaid. And if you have many complicated structures down there or have to fight, you lost.

      My goal of scripting each and every quest failed because :

      A large road in ruins of gilneas is patrolled by elite mobs, which on the first visit will kill you on the next, stop you from proceeding.
      If i avoid them, you are locked to one side of the road, if not, killed.
      While this is a matter of how lucky you are, the next ones are not that easy to solve:

      Arathi Highlands,
      you have to dive and 1) fight nagas and 2) wear some special goggles and collect items from objects
      there are rocks, and even worse, ships down there, and even though you have a buff for breathing down there, you cant path through the ships and get stuck fighting nagas.

      One last thing you should adress is:

      Some Quests won't ever show in your questlog since they are turned in when you speak to the questgiver.
      The current solution with runmacro is totally ugly ;)
      Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
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