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  • [Release] Doctrine RetRaider CC

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fiftypence, Aug 2, 2011.

    1. fiftypence

      fiftypence New Member

      Jul 28, 2011
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      Doctrine RetRaider CC
      Latest Version: DoctrineRet V1.1b
      by fiftypence

      Click me to download
      If you require support, please read the entirety of this post before asking your question.

      Achieved while coding and testing this CC, on a fresh level 85


      The following screenshots were taken with itemlevel 355 gear, in end-game raids. All combat was handled by the CustomClass.



      Latest Honorbuddy version
      Level 85 ret paladin

      Compatible with the following BotBases:
      LazyRaider (recommended)
      Combat Bot

      What is this?
      Doctrine RetRaider is a standalone CustomClass designed specifically to work out-of-the-box with no configuration, for use in heroics/end-game raiding. It uses well-researched theorycrafting from a variety of sources, including renowned websites such as ElitistJerks, SimCraft, and others, and applies this information to create a rotation that Honorbuddy will follow flawlessly for you as you focus on more important things, like movement and positioning.

      It is part of the Doctrine CustomClass, which will eventually provide support for all three talent trees in a variety of environments, such as PvE and PvP.

      All relevant paladin abilities have been used to their maximum potential
      Cooldowns are stacked and used intelligently, as one might expect from an end-game raider
      Coded to be quick and efficient -- the moment a spell comes off cooldown, it will be used
      Automatic detection of AoE encounters, and different rotations for AoE/Single-target
      If you are targetting a boss single-target logic will always be used, switch to an add if you want to AoE!

      How to use
      [1] Download the latest version from the link above.
      [2] Extract the folder 'DoctrineRet' to your 'Honorbuddy/CustomClasses' folder.
      [3] Launch Honorbuddy.
      [4] Select 'Doctrine Ret' from the list of available CustomClasses.
      [5] Enjoy owning faces!

      Recommended Talent Spec
      The below spec is recommended to make the most use out of RetRaider.

      Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

      How do I change my settings?
      RetRaider will have a working user interface very shortly for class configuration. Until that point however, you may edit a file located in your RetRaider directory, in the settings folder -- this file is generated when you first start the CC and will be called {your character name}.xml. A list of each setting and what it does can be found in the DoctrineSettings.cs file located in the same directory.

      Do you have any comments/suggestions?
      Feel free to post. All criticism is appreciated and reviewed whether positive or negative. If you do not wish to share your feedback publically, you may send me a private message instead.

      Do you have an issue?
      If you have encountered a problem with the CC do feel free to post. Note however that without a log, I will be unable to assist you with some problems. Please follow the instructions below to find and upload your log.

      How do I find/upload my Log?
      [1] Navigate to your Honorbuddy folder.
      [2] Open the folder called Logs.
      [3] Find the log in question. (tip: they are dated)
      [4] Upload the log as an forum attachment.

      Support me
      Do you love this CC and want to see it through to fruition? Want to see me take on more projects in the future? The best way to do this is to provide feedback. If you love my CC, reply to this thread and tell me -- I love hearing people's opinions on my work, and it really motivates me to keep going. If you wish to go one step further (and by no means are you obligated to, nor do I expect you to) I have attached a PayPal link below where you are able to donate a few dollars to a righteous cause! :)


      - Facing code fixed
      - Mount detection fixed
      - Rotation user option fixed
      - Raid/party detection improved
      - Fixed cooldown bug
      - Fixed trinket bug
      - GUI added, but it does not do anything yet
      - If you wish to change settings, edit charname.xml in DoctrineRet/Settings
      - Open up DoctrineRet/Settings/DoctrineSettings.cs for an explanation of what they do
      - User settings added
       - Movement (default off) added
       - Targeting (default off) added -- lowest threat, closest target, or tank's target
      - Code rewritten to be more efficient and much cleaner
      - LUA calls will now be used to check if player has The Art of War
      - Revamped cooldown logic, LUA will now be used to ensure target is a boss
      - Seal switching is in
      - Buff support is in
      - Trinket support
      Initial release
      Coming Soon
       - Working GUI
       - Crowd control detection -- no aoe whilst CC is around
       - Racials
       - More options
       - More clean code! (yay)
       - Merge with Doctrine Base, support for questing/PvP etc
       - ...and more!

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
      amputations, xLegendx and m0rf0 like this.
    2. fiftypence

      fiftypence New Member

      Jul 28, 2011
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      Technical Information

      Feel free to peruse through my code if you wish to. If you wish to reuse some/any of it, I would greatly appreciate a private message first including details before you do so. You may not use significant amounts of my code without my explicit permission.

      Rotation Used
      The bot has been coded to make use of a priority-based rotation. This means that it will use the spell it requires when it requires it, rather than following a static rotation. Lower priorities will only be cast if the criteria to cast higher priority spells has not been met.

      [1st Priority] Inquisition
      Inquisition will be cast when you have three holy power and no Inquisition, and it will be refreshed when you have three holy power and less than five seconds left on the buff.

      [2nd Priority] Guard of Ancient Kings
      Guardian of Ancient Kings will be cast if the cooldown on Avenging Wrath and Zealotry is greater than one minute, or less than ten seconds.

      [3rd Priority] Zealotry and Avenging Wrath
      Zealotry and Avenging Wrath will be cast together when the cooldown on Guardian of Ancient Kings is greater than thirty seconds, or when there is twenty seconds remaining on the Guardian of Ancient Kings buff.

      [4th Priority] Crusader Strike
      Crusader Strike will be cast when you have less than 3 Holy Power.

      [5th Priority] Hammer of Wrath
      Hammer of Wrath will be cast when the target is below 20% health, or when Avenging Wrath is active.

      [6th Priority] Exorcism
      Exorcism will be cast when you have The Art of War buff.

      [7th Priority] Templar's Verdict
      Templar's Verdict will be cast when you have three holy power, or when you have the Divine Purpose buff.

      [8th Priority] Judgement

      [9Th Priority] Holy Wrath
      Holy wrath will be cast when you have more than 35% mana.

      [10th Priority] Consecration
      Consecration will be cast when you have more than 80% mana.

      [11th Priority] Divine Plea
      Divine Plea will be cast when you have less than 90% mana.

      Special Cases
      Rebuke and Hand of Salvation take the highest priority if certain criteria are met.

      If the target is casting, Rebuke will take the first priority slot. Note this should have no effect on DPS as Rebuke does not trigger a global cooldown.

      Hand of Salvation
      If your current threat on the target is greater than 95% Hand of Salvation will be cast. This is required as the sheer amount of DPS this CustomClass puts out often causes it to pull agro if your tank is not on the ball.

      What it does not do
      The CC does not cast the following spells that might be applicable in an end-game raiding setting:
      - Hand of Freedom
      - Hand of Protection
      - Hand of Sacrifice
      - Lay on Hands
      - Hammer of Justice
      - Cleanse
      - Repentance

      The reason for this? Because it provides flexibility for the user. Every boss fight is different, and while the priority of spells stays static throughout most fights, the mechanics for the above abilities are dynamic in every case. In one situation you might use Hand of Sacrifice to help the tank through a rough phase of spike damage, but in another you would definitely not do this -- these sort of situations are impossible for Honorbuddy to detect. It works on raw numbers, and lacks the intuition that players have.

      Special note on Hand of Freedom: it is a waste of a global cooldown when used by Honorbuddy, as often movement-impairing spells cannot be removed when raiding.
    3. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Will you be supporting other classes?
      Regardless, if you do or not I love seeing raiding DPS CC's <3
      Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
    4. TranceAddict

      TranceAddict New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I assume this doesn't support leveling? >.< making a few new pallys just for your CCs haha
    5. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      I feel yeah, I'll need to make a separate pally cause mine is holy xD
      But there are good leveling pally CC's.
    6. Saif

      Saif Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      I haven't had time to test this cc out yet but I'm liking everything that your description is saying about it. My question is there any movement included in the cc? The reason I would love to be able to use this cc while in dungeons while playing a tank. I would like to be able to have an option in a gui that would toggle movement on/off where it would target (the tanks target) and move to, then attack the target. If this is not what you are intending this cc to be then it is no big deal at all. I will be testing this out in heroics in a recently dinged 85 pally tomorrow evening. Thanks again for the new cc.

    7. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      There is no movement. It is to be used with LazyRaider.
    8. fiftypence

      fiftypence New Member

      Jul 28, 2011
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      Doctrine is planned to support Paladins at present, but no other classes -- who knows though, I might end up branching out. :) Cheers for the feedback.

      RetRaider does not at the moment. Movement has not been coded in so your character would likely do nothing when the BotBase attempts to pull a mob. RetRaider is intended to be a heroic/raiding CC only, however Doctrine as a whole will support all situations for every spec. Once I get around to merging RetRaider with the Doctrine base (soon) then I will add in heals/etc for Ret, and movement should be coming soon as an option to RetRaider anyway.

      At present though, any BotBase that is not LazyRaider/Combat Bot is not supported.

      The next update is planned to include trinket support, movement support (off by default), mount support (do nothing whilst mounted, to prevent a dismount when near an enemy unit and in combat, e.g. Zul'Gurub when crossing the bridge after wipe), GUI, and targeting (again off by default). I had not considered simply choosing the tanks target so thank you for the suggestion, I will most likely implement it as a toggleable feature. You should be able to use LazyRaider's follow-the-tank feature, which should have the desired effect when used together with movement once I have coded it.

      One of the most important things I have aimed for with this CC is that the player should control movement and the bot combat, so whilst the next update should provide support for what you are looking for, it will not be something that I intend to spend very long on -- but we'll see how it turns out. :)
    9. Saif

      Saif Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      Wow! Sounds great fifty can't wait to start using this. Thanks again for the quick reply.

    10. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Well, Fifty. I hope you do Branch out to even one more class if it's not to much.
      As for this CC, I must level a ret pally now.... shortly -__-
    11. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      As an end game ret paladin, looks good. Code could be cleaned up a bit though.
    12. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Holy shit. Thanks. Best DPS CC i have ever tried.
    13. TranceAddict

      TranceAddict New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yeah codes a little messy but it works a charm.
    14. fiftypence

      fiftypence New Member

      Jul 28, 2011
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      The code is indeed a little messy. :) It is functional though, and fast -- which is the important thing. The code will be revamped during the merge to Doctrine base and it will glitter and shine with perfection, don't you worry!

      Cheers for the feedback all.
    15. zomgmage

      zomgmage Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      runs great, my crap ilvl 309 pally pulls top dps in normal 5mans. thanks!
    16. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      Great CC. changed spec to Ret and put on some gear (ilvl 362) and pumped 25k in heroics single target.

      Quick question:
      Would it not be better to "Seal Swap" from SoT to SoR on AoE and back again ?
      Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
    17. fiftypence

      fiftypence New Member

      Jul 28, 2011
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      Just looking for a little bit of feedback here. What do you folks think of the following as a GUI layout? (see attachment)

      Indeed it would be, great point. Shall be implemented in the next version. :)

      Attached Files:

      • gui.jpg
        File size:
        139.8 KB
    18. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Great one!
      Got a suggestion when i saw you GUI.
      Maybe you could add an option for PvP target lowest Health player fpr some quick and dirty kill strikes.


      PS:My 369 Gs Pally on Magmaw did 34k DPS without Heroism! (got no pic...doh!)
    19. xLegendx

      xLegendx Active Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Must gear up holy pally to ret o.o
    20. crawlin352

      crawlin352 New Member

      Jan 26, 2011
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      I've been testing it on dummies for a little while and noticed it doesn't use exorcism as much as I think it should. I'm not sure what parameters must be met for the CC to decide to cast Exo but I see that AoW is up and it just goes about it's rotation as if there was no AoW buff for instant Exo.

      My ret is ilvl 371 and pulling 15.2k dps on target dummy. When I was testing my own dps on the dummy, I was able to pull at least 18k sustained.

      Another suggestion is maybe include the ability to adjust the rotation in the GUI. At different gear levels, in order to min-max dps, it might be necessary to make some abilities higher priority than another.
      For example, Inq > CS > HoW > Exo > TV > J > HW > Cons
      Inq > CS > TV > HoW > Exo > J > HW > Cons
      are the two single target rotations suggested on EJ.

      I think you're onto something awesome and think you're doing a great job. Thanks for supporting Rets :)
      Last edited: Aug 4, 2011

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