Hello, I need some help with a piece of code for identifying an event or how to identify one. The event I would like to identify is when archbuddy solves an artifact: If (ArcheologyBuddy Solves an Artifact) <-- how to identify an artifact has been solved? { do stuff. } I know the code above isnt 100% correct, but I think it describes what i am looking for. I can do this for other events, I just cannot find any information on how to do this with Archeology events. if its possible? Any api documentation for ArchBuddy anywhere? to pull variables or methods out of? Any information would really be great! Thanks!
I see nothing in the HB API. You might achieve what you desire with LUA and the HB API's Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.DoString() method. I'm not really versed in LUA, so can't help much here. However, you may can find the LUA snippet you need out of an addon like Archy or somesuch. cheers, chinajade
Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into it. Was hoping to get some infomation on bots.ArcheologyBuddy but if or until I can get such info, I will look into LUA and I think Archy would be a great plugin to look at.
not always. I have asked several questions in the forum with no responses, this was one of the only times ive BUMPed as I normally dont.