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  • Extremely slow please help <3

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by mazing, Aug 15, 2011.

    1. mazing

      mazing New Member

      Aug 1, 2011
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      Hi community, I recently bought honorbuddy and the BG bot has been working amazingly.
      Now I decided to level a warlock so i downloaded all the scripts from kick and i put the quest behaviors in the quest behavior folder
      I downloaded zerfall warlock cc and i also got the prince of darkness cc for warlocks just incase.

      I Run the quest bot and choose kick's 1-60 quest profile, once the profile is running everything is super slow. it sometimes takes 5min for the bot to attack a mob. sometimes it gets lost.
      Bot seems to click to move, should i be moving my camera to a certain angle? ughh please help me iv searched everywhere for answers

      My pc has very high specs and is a gaming pc. I have disables all addons.
      Please help and excuse my bad english+grammer.
      View attachment 8-15-2011_12_11 AM 5252 Log.txt [
      Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      First, Welcome aboard!

      Second, bad grammar and English are common. We understand that not everyone's native language is English. But, please refrain from racial slurs (spic), even if you are using them to refer to yourself.

      Third, Kick's profiles and the Zerfall CC are most excellent choices.

      Fourth, for problems of this type, you will need to attach a log file that demonstrates the problem. This contains a wealth of information. From your description, I'd say you may have a lot of exceptions slowing you down, but we need the log to verify this and isolate the source of the problem.
      Please be certain the log file you attach demonstrates the problem.

      Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
    3. mazing

      mazing New Member

      Aug 1, 2011
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      attached my log <3 to my post
    4. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Thank you!

      It looks like there is a 'check pet' timer in Prince of Darkness CC that is causing your delay. I'm not even certain Prince of Darkness is being maintained any more.

      You might try removing Prince of Darkness, and giving the Zerfall CC a look. Alternatively, you can try making a post in the PoD thread and see if anyone can resolve this quickly. Alas, I don't use PoD, so can't advise you on its particulars.

      Sometimes you have to change up CCs until you find one that can competently play the spec you like. Sometimes, if you can't find one, you have to change specs to one the CC claims it can play well. I know Zerfall works well with a Demonology spec. But, that's about the limit of my warlock CC knowledge at the moment. :D


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