This is a thread for posting your RareKiller plugin success storys, RareKiller is a plugin that kills specific mobs and such for mounts, etc. So far I'm farming for Aeonaxxx, this will be my first night, then Posedius and TLPD. Has anyone had a nice success story?
My hunter got Ghostcrawler, Sambas and Karoma as pets so far. Been doing a little bit of tlpd and aeonax aswell with little luck so far i might start going hectic after the mounts.
I did Aeonaxx on one of my farming accounts (left my main logout in Deepholm), after about 8 hours or so he appeared. Login in on my main with my farmer following and got him on my main. Medic I used Rarekiller in case I was gone, but cancelled while I was watching to get him on my main.
Left over night on Time-Lost Proto-Drake on my main from about 1am. In the morning at around 8am I heard the alarm go off, and I came by the computer around when the fight was over and the bot was looting the corpse! Will now try and do Aeonaxx, but a bit worried that it will be easier to spot that it is botted. Recommend changing the alarms on mob found/whisper/guild chat so that you can effectively leave your computer without too much attention.
Ha, so lucky. Real lucky. I've been farming him for about 6 days now. Vyr has been spawning like wild weeds. It's going on Day 2 now since I've installed the plug-in. Want to get me a little tip where you was camping or that to revealing?
got time lost by that plugin after 7 days. It was my 3rd time lost proto, first farmed by hand, second one farmed by accident, third ony completly by this plugin.
I've been doing alot or Arch latley. What's that got to do with anything? Well, good old Rare Killer has earned me about a doeson (non-combat) Raptor pets so far! Couple of Mysterious Camel Figuriense as well, but so far no dice =(
Reins of Posideous. I almost totally missed it since my Mailbox is always full on my bank toon. Next think you know I had a 359 Epic and Reins I was like whoa... I would of totally missed it and I didn't hear it alarm the night before. I found about 4 MCFs but no mount.
Bot found and killed posiedus for me on a saturday morning. No luck so far with tlpd or aeonaxx. I did get frostbitten and close to bloody rare cheese.