mages in pvp suck, all you can do is try and stay alive long enough, and hope for the best. so really ether one will work.
Pro answers I'll have to agree that the idea of a good PvP mage CC is out of the question. Since we are so squishy I will stick with Amplify (thank you for an awesome CC CodenameG). It's doing all the right stuff Funny thing, last night I PvP'd and was surrounded by oponents when I iceblocked and right after iceblock my mage started eating/drinking. My mate and I saw it and laughed our asses off, because we I was still surrounded by oponents
Thanks. I'll give it a try for AV this weekend. I don't know anything about playing a mage. I RAF'd my mage to 60 then botted to 85. I know frostbolt and that's it. Any settings I should change to make it work best?