So I've noticed that when i run wow at 2560x1440 at max settings i use up around 30% of my cpu power but if i run 720x556 with lowest settings the cpu usage is the same but i just get higher FPS. Is there anyway to lock the ammount of usage a application uses? i want it to run 720x556 @ lowest settings with around 30 fps at all times.
you can use the command : /console maxfps 30 /console maxfpsbk 30 This will limit your fps to 30 in foreground and background. Not sure if that's what you wanted though =x
/console groundEffectDensity 16 /console groundEffectDist 1 /console detailDoodadAlpha 1 /console horizonfarclip 1305 /console farclip 177 /console characterambient /console maxfps 20 /console smallcull 0 /console skycloudlod 1 /console lod 1 /console lodDist 50 /console mapShadows 0 /console anisotropic 1 /console fullAlpha 0 /console MaxLights 1 /console gxVSync 0 /console frillDensity 1 /console specular 0 /console pixelShaders 0
also understand some CC's arent built well, and the way HB works is that it can only do 1 inject per frame, so if you only have 30 frames on a very heavy CC, your performance is going to be really bad.