Hi there. So I just bought honorbuddy today, yay me! But however, it keps saying there is no valid instance attached to open WoW with. I did some reading before posting, but all the solutions offered by members aren't working. I tried using the new version, and a few older ones, but still, the same error message. I am kinda clueless, so any help would be welcomed. Fizzkuzzlol EDIT: I play on EU realms
make sure that you are on the latest Hb version Honorbuddy - Downloads - WOW Bot for PVP Leveling Gathering - Gatherbuddy & Honorbuddy Forums in case you still got issues post your log here so we can catch the problem
No its fixed. Did I miss something about a general bug? Thanks for your help tho, this bot is pure Barney ?Stinson
Same problem here. I already reinstalled HB with the newest version. I try to use HB on an EU realm. After that I get the following message from the log: Logging in... Key expires in 3597 days ------------------------------- You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with! This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #14545 You are currently on build #0 ------------------------------- I have no idea what is meant by Build #14545 Would somebody be so kind and help me to solve this problem?
make sure that you are logged in the game world before you run Hb also make sure that there isnt a Hb process active on your task manager