Champion a Warrior behaviour tree custom class by Weischbier *************************************************************************************** The cool Guys: CodenameG (Helped me come into coding and his Guide and Initilize Code, Save Code) fiftypence (BT,SpecFinder <= Should get standard for Raidoptimized CCs and helping me a lot) Singular Creators (HasAuraStacks,Alchemy stuff) *********************************************************** Ok, since I'm not interested anymore in playing warrior in wow. I will discontinue this project myself. I added the sourcecode to this thread so anyone can go and edit and upload it here! I don't give the permission to upload it to a seperate thread. As this would cause a lot of unfinished stuff spamming the forum. greetz Weischbier Disclaimer: Use of 3rd party programs are against Blizzard's terms of use and license. This CC is not intended for use on live Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft realms. Any use on Blizzard realms is at your own risk and not supported per this statement. Sidenote: I may sound rude to you but it is all in your interest, that you help me helping you!
Testing fury, will post result. Edit: Best fury dps this far, great! Also, will movement be implemented? *wink wink*
i think wall of shame is nice but childish, at least a warning first? LOL << or do like bobby and just politely respond you cant help n quote your first post that always gets the point across
since i got huge problems with arms and i don't get what is causing this error (fury works), i decided to release this as a fury only cc until i found a way to fix arms! greetz Weischbier
Are you using enClient? if not, i'm only supporting enClients, so i'm sorry for you! greetz Weischbier
Hallo Weischbier, ich finde es sehr schade, dass es zur Zeit kein Arms cc von dir gibt. Denn deiner hat bei mir immer am besten Funktioniert. Gibt es nicht die M?glichkeit ein reines Arms cc zu ver?ffentlichen. Dachte dabei k?nnte man vielleicht, dass "Arms Detecion" Problem umgehen. Sorry for not writing in english and pls no Wall of Shame
Arms detection ist kein Problem, funktioniert sogar einwandfrei. Nur gibt es ein Lua Problem welches ich noch nicht isoliert habe. Aber um ehrlich zu sein habe ich auch seit tagen nciht mehr dran gearbeitet. greetz Weischbier
id be willing to donate a nice amount of money to anyone capable of making this into a good arena arms CC. like interupt at the end of cast and whatnot. send me a pm and we can talk if you have coding skills im sure the comunity would apreciate!!
This is great, it just doesn't retaliate if being attacked (first). For example, I'm walking and an enemy attacks me from behind. The CC will not turn and face the target and attack it. Is it possible for you to fix this feature? Other CC's for other classes use it.
it's a lazy raider CC... it doesnt do movement at all.. you control all movement... its for raiding and doing heroics.. not bots where you actually arent doing any interaction of your own with the game