This CC is basically just a remake of Hawker's Beast Mastery 2.5. (Used with permission) Note that I know virtually nothing about how to code this stuff. It is purely copy and paste. As such I will not be fixing things or anything. If someone else would like to take and correct this CC, be my guest. It uses the exact rotation I use during gameplay as a level 85 surv. hunter and works very well. I don't know how to make it such that lower level players without certain spells (such as Black Arrow and Cobra Shot can use it). As such this is designed for the higher level play (81 and up). In addition, this CC will walk backwards when it's too close to get just enough range to use your ranged weapon rather then strafing. I personally never like the strafing of HBM. Hopefully you agree, if not....oh well. If anyone would like to fix this for the lower players please do. Thank you!
It's not using black arrow for me... anyone else have this issue? Im currently lvl 79... but I have black arrow, im looking through the code and i dont see a reason why its not working... Someone who has tested this, please let me know if black arrow is working for you.
I believe the Black Arrow issue would be solved if you called on the spell-id instead of the name.. that way it'd be compatible with all languages.
Trying this CC now. So far I'm averaging 6601 DPS.I was getting 5590 with FPSware and I get about 6800 when playing by hand. So, awesome CC so far. Will be trying a BG soon.
if (!Me.CurrentTarget.IsTargetingMeOrPet && SpellManager.Spells.ContainsKey("Cobra Shot")) { CobraShot(); else { SteadyShot(); } } how can i make it work? i m lvl 77 and want steadyshot instead of cobra, as long as i don?t have cobra
Anyone figured out how to make this CC use Black Arrow? I have looked threw the code but nothing stood out. I'm not to bright when it comes to code. So any help would be great.
I'll take a look at it and see if I can figure out why. If anything I'll add a timer to force it to at least attempt to use the Black Arrow. Give me till tomorrow and I should post something for you all.