As always, this is your chance to tell me what YOU want to see in a CC. Posts that are not specific and detailed will be deleted. I will not accept comments such as "own in PVP", "pwn everything". If you're going to post here I expect to see detailed, well thought out comments. The more information you can provide me the better I can make this CC. What environment do you plan to use this CC in (PVE/PVP/INSTANCE)? Posts that are not specific and detailed will be deleted.
eye lazers blue red green pink purple yellow (gold contacts ne1?) I also want it to pwn everything and own in pvp kthx
PVE perspective. I'd like to see it use racial abilities more. These views are from level 85 characters Like Tauren's war stomp before healing, and even using herbings lifeblood. Also when healing from feral, it should stack 3 life blooms instead of using regrowth or rejuve. When in feral combat, it should prowl, cat charge, pounce, feriae fire, rake, mangle, mangle, mangle, vicious bite, then repeat rake, then mangle etc. This is how I dps in feral, others can feel free to add their rotations.
You already know how I feel about your CC's as I use them almost extensively. As more and more of my toons hit 85 I'd love to see more pvp implementation in CC's across the board.
If your post has been deleted its because you have not provided me any useable information. "Boomkin is need" WTF? How does this differ from my current Druid CC that already supports Boomkin?! "My only wish is to own in PVP" - W T F. When I said I want specifics, I mean I want a page of information, I want you to tell me how YOU play your character. What is YOUR rotation, how do YOU play in PVP, specifically what do YOU do?
Feral, PvP. Usual open with Prowl > Feral Charge > Pounce > FFF > Rake > Mangle > Ravage proc > Main > (Basically the opener.) Fast movement, skull bash saved for CC's or Big heals, if skull bash is on CD, then Bear + Bash. Only clone adds with Pred proc if hp >45%. If HP drops below x value and mana is below x value, pop bear > regen. Don't leave bear till x% HP or regen buff is over (Having both options would be nice.) And the obvious stuff like, Allows to pick x combo points to use x finisher. Maybe add use x finisher if target HP >x% then another finish if target HP <%. There is a fair bit more than could be added, but its late, and my mind is shot right now.
Feral, multiple enemys switch to bear. Hey there, It would be great if you could add something like that: -If there are only 1 or 2 units stay in cat. -If there are more then 2 units switch to bear or if you drop below 40% hp switch to bear. Or a clean CC only for bear would be great, too. Thanks !
Rest behavior is handled by the CC? In which case as balance/resto it should heal over drinking to get health back always and use innervate when mana gets low enough (optional maybe, for low geared ppl who would rather drink and save it for fights), whether in combat or not Very annoying when the bot comes out of combat with nearly full mana and then starts munching through fortune cookies when it could just cast a couple of heals
Basic PVE (questing/grinding on mobs!): Prowl, Feral charge, Pounce, Mangle, on-use +agility trinket (if off cooldown), tigers fury (if off cooldown), rake, ravage, if 5 cp's: RIP, otherwise mangle for the extra point, then RIP, Faerie Fire, mangle spam (but mob should be dead or close to). It's actually my basic PvP opener if I want to burst someone to death really hard. But I usually after the ravage start running around my target and spam shred instead of mangle spamming, but that won't work on mobs. If you really going for the kill in PvP you can pop Berserk right after tigers fury runs out and start spamming shred with it for extra dps burst. But for shredding you have to be behind the target... If feral charge is on CD the opener would be something like: Prowl, pounce, mangle, tigers fury (if available), rake, shred if still stunned from pounce (thus you are behind your target) or mangle, RIP on nothing less then 5 combo points, not 4. Also, there should be an option to pull mobs with faerie fire instead of prowl, like in your previous version. That one worked pretty good for questing/grinding before. Or you could make it so that everyone can choose their own abilities and rotations completely and add in racials
Oh and when adds are plenty and you are low on health, cast barkskin + survival instincts + berserk. If that isn't enough, as a last resort go bear form, cast Frenzied Regeneration, enrage, Demoralizing Roar, then just auto-attack so you generate more rage but don't use any rage for abilities (because said cooldowns convert rage to health). After that you switch back to catform and try 'n kill again (with default heals you would usually use if needed). If that doesn't help you will die... but I don't think you will ever die in a PVE environment like this unless you are trying to solo raid content or pull an entire field of mobs, lol. Default healing rotation (for feral, not resto!) should be like: optional: cast natures grace, If you used natures grace then: run back 5 - 10 yards, Heals: 3 x lifebloom, rejuvenation, optional: regrowth
Also, most ferals spec for predatory strikes, so another way to handle adds if there aren't too many is build up to 5 cp's using my above method, then RIP, then you will have an instant cyclone that you can cast on an add, and proceed killing the first target.
Hope this was detailed enough and provides you with enough info All I use this for is battlegrounds and non-instanced PVE (grinding/questing). Also most of the abilities are only useable when you are higher level, on lower levels it should just skip the things that aren't available yet. That means i'd only use the healing part (but without the lifeblooms) on lower levels, for example.
Thank you for doing this. My suggestion is to make the PVP aspect of the Druid CC more human-like when paired with BG-BOT Random. What do I mean by human-like? I mean: When waiting at a waypoint from BG-BOT. Does not matter what spec, the prefer setup is to be in Cat Form and Prowl. Strix implement this behaviour in his Rogue Subtley CC. Currently, almost all the CC just stands there while the character is mounted when arriving at a waypoint. Targetting in PVP environment like BG needs to be done FASTER. Most CC takes too long to recognize a target and move to it. This result in the bot standing around most of the time idling. One of the fastest enemy targetting I found was coded in EzRet Paladin CC. Faster targetting is the key to looking more human-like in BG like Strand of the Ancient (where BG-Bot moves you to the turrent, and the CC targetting needs to pick up a enemy target fast enough to moves you to the battle instead of idling there for example). Another amazing example would be in ShamWOW Shaman CC for healing targetting or Singular ArmsPVP rev250 for enemy targetting. Partial combat movement in caster form (Boomkin or Resto). It doesn't have to be exact, or really go anywhere. But it needs to move when melee is smacking it and not just stand there and spam spell. A CC that has this implemented is Glideroy Holy Paladin CC. When in combat, the CC will still heal, but when heavy melee is on it, it would run away every now and then before the next cast. I'm not sure what trigger it, but a debuff detection for movement impairing effect would be great. PVP-countering combo depending on the spec. For example, when fighting a caster class in Boomkin spec. A nice combo is to cast Entangling Root then Solar Beam to interrupt them. All spec should be able to interrupt crucial spell by shifting out to bear and bash, or cat to skull bash before returning to their respective form and respective role. I hope those points are specific enough. The goal is to hopefully have Fpsware Druid be the go-to CC for Druid PVP. This is due to it being very human-like in its selection in spells and movement. The more human-like you are in combat, the less chances of you being noticed and reported. Realize also that a superd Druid PVP CC will help everyone when using other Bot like GatherBuddy on a PVP realm. Thanks!
Thanks for the detailed comments. this is exactly what I need. But to be honest, I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of people posting. There are ~20 people voting for an updated CC so there should be ~20 providing information.
FPS can you please make this CC more PVE and specifically Raid environment. I raid heroic firelands with my druid and would love to see resto CC that has some healing logic built into it. Ex. selective healing(heal tank ...or any other people. select them from list...etc) , also use harmony a lot more and basically keep it off cool down as much as possible by using swiftmend on CD and then nourish. on clearcasting use (regrowth/healing touch/nourish) but let the CC decide who is the best target to heal out of the ones that you are healing. The main problem is that in firelands mana seems to be an issue. So spamming is not really the best way to heal. Thats y logic has to be used by the CC to replenish mana where it can or how to use spells on each fight. If you can build some mechanics into the certain fights that would be awsome. Druids are the best healiing class in Firelands so lets make use of that. Sorry this post is alot of ramblings, If i can be anymore of assitance let me know
I agree. It's a bit sad to see that all want a new druid CC but are too lazy to do anything at all for it. Ok I can't write a CC so, but I can certainly provide my way of doing stuff and so can everyone else. If you want something and someone else is kind enough to put effort in it for everyone else, why can't you make any effort by helping out. Then the people don't deserve this.