Heya! From what I've gathered this community is growing. I don't want to complain and be naggy, however I'd really like to come with some consructive ideas. The forums is the main interface for exchanging information, right? However at the moment I feel it is lacking a logical structure and categorization... Is there anyway this could be changed (I'd be more than happy in helping with how it could be setup)?
They've already made some recent changes to the structure and added multiple sub-forums. Which forums do you think need help? It's always good to provide specific examples, if you have certain concerns you would like to see addressed.
One thing perhaps is dedicated sections for people having issues with the bot(s). The sections could also provide predetermined posting templates which enforce the posting of log files, or perhaps a link to log file if it were to big to be added as an attachment.
I second that motion! It would be great for both sides. The people who refuse to post their logs would have help knowing what specific info to post, and the people trying to help would know what was wrong.
for the live chat support idea that sounds reasonable, a few good companys to look into if you suggest that.. (PAY/Monthly) LivePerson - http://solutions.liveperson.com/live-chat/ (FREE / Lifetime ) Livezilla - http://www.livezilla.net/home/en/ There is many more but i highly suggest those two if you consider buying or getting em' for free. Im no leecher kind of.. Im currently testing the bot to ensure what its like by friday im purchasing because its freakin' awesome.