I'm running a couple HBs simultaneously--an arms warrior and a holy paladin. The arms warrior looks great. He charges, howls, leaps, and owns pretty hard in BGs. He mounts when appropriated and everything seems good. For some reason when I run holy paladin, he runs in circles all the time. He can't decide which node to go to in AB, so he will not mount, and move back and forth for minutes at a time. He mounts up sometimes, just rarely. The behavior makes him look very suspicious.... Any advice on what I should change or what might be causing this? I just installed HB last night, so I'm still fairly new. Thanks for any help.
Just using what it came with right now. I saw the UPaHCCBT, was thinking of trying it but I still wasn't entirely sure what that would affect. I thought the CC was only for abilities?
It's a complicate thing in BG healers are stupid and that's it, since BGBot is designed for DPS classes and not for healer classes, still some custom class handle it better than other. give UPaHCCBT a try
Ok ty. Should I be using PVP Bot or BG Bot Beta? I wasn't sure what the difference was and haven't been able to find a real answer yet...
PVPBot follow a profile that tell him where to go next, BGBot instead try to understand where he should be based on how many people are in a different position, some people find the first better, some other find the latter, you will find _a_lot_ of discussion on the forums about them and how to make them work or how they just do not work, everyone have his opinion on the matter