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  • [Guide] How-To: Grind Level, RaF [56K Warning]

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by stiky, Mar 7, 2011.

    1. chemical

      chemical Active Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      the leader plugin is already in the bot.. open up Plugins
    2. JimmyN

      JimmyN New Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      Hello I have a trouble. If i have 1 Leader and 1 follower on 1 computer all fine, but if i have 2 leaders and 2 followers on 1 computer on the different servers they get tangled each other. How explain them that each follower have to follow his own leader?
    3. chemical

      chemical Active Member

      Aug 30, 2010
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      well say Player A and Player B is on one server. and Player C and Player D are on another Server.. First off A & B have to be in a Group, same as C & D. A is party leader so make him Leader and B is follower. same with C & D
    4. zin.rokh

      zin.rokh Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      this bot does not work at all, as others have stated. the leader bot does all the work, and all the slave bots just follow and loot and dont actually help kill anything. You are better just making a /follow macro, you get the same results. terrible program.
    5. Greennunu

      Greennunu Member

      Feb 24, 2012
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      So I have tried this today using the method in the first post, after having server issues I slowly narrowed down my problems.

      Number of characters: 3
      Classes: Paladin (Ret, Leader), Shaman (Enhancement), Priest (Disc - But might switch to Shadow)
      Gear: BoA Shoulder/Chest/Weapons/Trinkets

      -After doing as the set up told me too, I first ran into some problems with the bot not working at all (using Kicks 1-60 grind), they would stand around and do nothing. I found this to be an Plugins fault (AlwaysHere).
      -Once this was remove the bot appeared to be working as normal until they start to all run off on their own. I discovered this to be the fault of having Train New Skills checked. Settings and Tools > Vendors >Train New Skills. With this checked anytime the character was able to train they would run off to the nearest trainer.
      -Last I found a few CC's not working properly, maybe its cause I started at level 1 or whatever, but I have found that Singular works great for all three profile. ShamWoW for whatever reason keeps my shaman in the back 10-20 meters away from the leader. This isn't terrible but it might run into issues later. Then my Paladin was using FPSware, he refused to attack anything, just marked it for my followers to attack.

      My suggestions for people who isn't familiar with HB (like me) and new to RAF botting is to keep it simple. Botting grinding is already simple with proper BoA gear, there is no real need to optimize anything. Kick has already made a profile that will change zones for you when you dinged so take advantage of that.

      Go with what was posted first. Turn on addons that you MUST have to keep the bot working (leader plugin, talented if you want) and use Singular for all your profile to make sure the bots run properly and then add more stuff later to test it out so you will know which plugin/CC/even addons will break the bot.

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