It just stands MoveToUnit: moving to player:-TANK- thats 19 yds away and NOT in line of sight [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]ungeon run is over. Teleporting out. Not in game [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Switching back to primary talents >>> Left/joined a group, Initializing... ^OPERATIONAL MODE CHANGED: initializing... Now he just left after first boss in UK, just before the house with the stairs (if you know what i mean). EDIT: Sry dubbelpost
Hey all im new to HB and im really loving it! Im wondering as i just dinged lvl 80 with my priest an in the instance buddy post here it says that at lvl 80 it will q to random hcs... is that "safe"? since up to lvl 80 some dungeons where blacklisted.. is it safe to run randoms now at 80? so far ive been farming Halls of stone as its flawless for my priest atm.. been afkin it all night. Is there any HC dungeons that should be super avoided? As i usually semi afk. thx
It would be great if you could automatically prevent the bot from queuing up for newly available instances after dinging!
Why Instancebuddy doesn't accept the Invitations for the BC Random Dungeon ? My Char is a lvl 59 Fury Warrior. I use the FPS Warrior Behaviour.
instance buddy leaves after 31 seconds.... i have his problem two but it seems only random heriocs it always does this no matter what (all lvl 85 dungeons) black listed dungeons are on and then i turn it off same thing still leaves maybe im doing something wrong idk am i retarded or something idk just give me baby step instrcutions please, much appreciated