Hi everyone, Just thought I'd share my Warrior's Setup & Macros - haven't died once so far Mining in Sholazar & Icecrown 1. (To summon flying mount, with useful Mining Macro) Code: #showtootip Swift Nether Drake /use Crystallized Shadow /use Crystallized Air /use Crystallized Earth /use Crystallized Fire /use Crystallized Life /use Crystallized Water /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /use Swift Nether Drake (Replace by name of your Flying Mount) 6. (To start fight, and every 10 seconds) Code: /cast Attack /cast Berserker Rage 7. (After fight starts, and every 6 seconds) Code: /castsequence reset=target Bloodrage, Enraged Regeneration 8. (After fight starts, and every second) Code: /castsequence reset=target Bloodthirst, Whirlwind Here's the talent tree I used with this Setup: Merciless' Fury Warrior As for glyphs: MAJOR Glyph of Whirlwind Glyph of Heroic Strike Glyph of Cleaving MINOR Glyph of Bloodrage Glyph of Charge Glyph of Battle Enjoy
Thanks! My warriors just hitting 80 and i rely on honorbuddy to know which skills to use! Wouldn't have known what skill to bind.
/cast Attack /cast Berserker Rage is wrong it needs to be /start Attack /cast Berserker Rage but apart from that its working wonderfully, thanks dude.
my 70 warrior likes to switch to arms stance during his farming runs. in arms stance he cannot fight because whirlwind requires berserker stance. any tips?