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  • How do you guys launder your gold?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by amino420, Sep 30, 2011.

    1. amino420

      amino420 New Member

      Sep 23, 2011
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      Just curious of different peoples method. Like how you get gold to your main, or how you sell all your raw mats//craftables (auction house, F2F, cod)
    2. ripglider

      ripglider New Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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      I mail the gold between my 2 accounts. Have never done a large amount. I mail all the herbs/ore from my bot acct to my main acct. I sell everything on the AH. Sometimes 1000's of ore/herbs at a time. I usually break down the mats into profession stuff and sell a little of everything. With ore being so cheap and everything you can make with it also being really cheap I've just been selling the ore. It all depends on your server.
    3. amino420

      amino420 New Member

      Sep 23, 2011
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      Hey do whatever works for you, but wow you must be botting safely, cause any look into your account will prolly hit both accounts
    4. amino420

      amino420 New Member

      Sep 23, 2011
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      personally I dont use to much security..but I have a 2nd account with a farmer.. on my main account I create a "leveling toon" who decides to start his own rogue guild...recruits the botting toon and he deposits all materials in guild bank. I have multiple computers and I know associations with both accounts is not recommended but I will carry on conversations with the accounts to make it look less suspicious. I create level 1's on botting account to sell mats to private buyers via F2F trades and then usually delete that account within 24h..Transferring money to main I usually buy a high priced item, send it to main via level 1 on botting account and then delete that account. Because when I get the mail, it says its from unknown once i get it, so its easier to deny if you get caught
    5. Smarter

      Smarter Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Each of my bots is completely Independent and automated, it Gathers, Switches Continents, Tradeskills (Smelts), AH's, Deposits To Guild Bank (Gold, and Unusual Items), Rinse & Repeat.

      Any transactions past that are done F2F with a character.
    6. Malice211

      Malice211 Member

      Aug 4, 2010
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      Step 1 - Make a guild and make one of your main account toons the GM
      Step 2 - put bots (from seperate accounts) in a guild
      Step 3 - Bots put harvested mats in guild bank
      Step 4 - Use a lvl 1+ toon to sell the mats or use bots to manufacture goods to sell. All gold produced goes into the Guild Bank
      Step 5 - When you want gold or mats on one of your main account toons log into your GM toon and take out what you need. Do not take out large amounts shortly after your bot toons put large amounts in the bank.

      Being the GM means no flags go up if you take out large amounts of gold or materials from your guild. If you mail this gold/mats to another one of your toons on the same account no flags go up because you are just transfering your goods between your toons. As you never bot your main account because you have farmer toons to bot for you, your main will never be banned for botting. Because no toon on your main account is dumping large amounts of mats on the AH your main will never be banned/suspended for abuse of the economy. Overall, your main is safe, or as safe as it can possible be.

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