I have actually gone so far as to delete Honorbuddy entirely. I downloaded Honorbuddy 5354, I downloaded the FelMaster that you posted and it's in the CC folder. As soon as I press start I get the exception and HB shuts down and wants to send an error report. This has never happened with any other CC's of yours or others.
I found a bug where using CastSpellAtTargetLocation will cause honorbuddy to crash upon starting the CC if you don't have a target selected when you start it. If you have any target, dummy, other player, npc, enemy, any target selected it won't crash and works normally. This is a bug with the CC base, cowdude is going to have to fix it. Until then SELECT A TARGET BEFORE STARTING THE CC. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Can you please re-post your previous version in the first topic. I seem to like that one better and I have deleted it when trying to fix the above error and now do not have it back .
After a little testing on dummy, i don't see any Arcane shot on single target? Haven't looked in your code.
Okay, I've discovered more bugs in the base. Apperently it will use whatever target you had when the CC is first started when it uses CastSpell method that has to click on the ground. Because of this I've sadly disabled trap launching until the base gets fixed or I can find a work around. @Frangush I think you should use the version I'm uploading now, beta 2.1, It's practically the same as the old ones but it has some bug fixes and the base works a lot better, there just are some bugs with the trap launching in this one but I've disabled that for now. @Mazzyr On a single target it will use Aimed shot during CA phase as its main focus dump, after that it should start using arcane shot, but even then it's not at a very high priority. Edit: First post edited to 2.1, please download that one, it should work now. (hopefully)
The beastmaster-addition is a warm welcome. I hope to see more of this CC and perhaps the influece of others. Well done! Only the disgagne is a pain in the ass when you need to hug bosses.
the beastmastery isn't mine, it's just part of the FelMaster pack along with many other classes. I'll be adding my own Beastmastery rotation that's made for questing/gathering.
I've been testing Beast Mastery with the CC targetting, facing and all that, it appears this CC just isn't good enough at that to properly quest, Fpswares hunter is far better for questing. Guess I'll still keep tweaking this Beastmastery CC so you can use it to quest w/e with lazyraider or even use it in bot mode if you trust it to do a good job >__>
Building spell book Spell book built Could not compile CC from D:\!WoW BOT\all\CustomClasses\FelMaster! File: FelMaster.cs Line: 11 Error: Имя типа или пространства имен 'Warlock' отсутствует в пространстве имен 'FelMaster.Classes' (пропущена ссылка на сборку?) any1 can healp?
That was my fault, apperently it didn't work if the warlock class wasn't in there, I updated the main thread with the right files and some other updates aswell so redownload and it should work
Hey Falldown, i did as you sugested on a different post and i went with MM. However, tell me if i am doing something wrong. I have an average gear of 360, well reforge thanks to Ask Mr Robot, not every gear has enchantment, all have the correct gem. But when doing dungeons i still cant pass 11-12k. I would think i could do atleast 15-16k. I am using lazyraider and your MM.
Hard to say exactly what you're doing, you should definetly be doing some more dps. You're targeting everything yourself right, since you are using lazyraider? Post a log so I can make sure it's doing everything correctly.
ok i will do a run later tonight. Post a log and also a pic of DPS and of my gear and stuff, while also removing any and all securities lol (like name).
Here's 2.4.2 incase you wanna test it out. Added: - uses trinkets - Tweaked some conditions Removed: - Pet attack thingy for BM, useless and bugged.
With 365 2 peice T12 gear and your CC with lazy raider I average between 19k and 26k DPS depending on placement and movement. This is great CC, Wish I could understand where to find the part to turn off MultiShot for certain fights and also to stop feign death and stop Deterence. Looks kinds foolish when I deterence and stop DPSing in the middle of a raid when my health drops and also feign death when I'm not supposed to. LOL. I run fireland raids using your CC. BTW.. Where's the link for 2.4.2.