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  • Hey I need some information

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by blinkaustin, Oct 5, 2011.

    1. blinkaustin

      blinkaustin New Member

      Dec 11, 2010
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      I just got kicked off of my account. I went to log back on and it says "This World of Warcraft account has been temporarily suspended." Does that mean I only got a 3 day suspension? If so, can that turn into a permanent ban? I haven't gotten an email from them and when I try to check out my account on the website it just says "You are unable to access this page because this license is banned, locked, or suspended." Any information would be much appreciated.
    2. Wut

      Wut New Member

      Sep 15, 2011
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      It sounds like you got a 72-hour suspension. You have two options:

      1. Wait 72 hours. This makes it seem like you're guilty of it.
      2. Send an appeal. You don't know what a bot is, you didn't do anything wrong, and you're unhappy that as a paying customer your game time is being interrupted.

      I have heard that sending an appeal prompts a review of your in-game actions, but I've also heard that these suspensions are automated. YMMV.

      Personally, I appealed my ban on the 2nd day (changed my mind and decided I shouldn't wait it out) and went to grab lunch. My account was reactivated by the time I got back.
    3. zkx99

      zkx99 New Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Hmm. I got one question myself too; if I have been botting for example 1 month ago but stopped, when can I be "sure" that I won't get banned? Let me rephrase it in other words: if I didn't get banned while botting and stopped botting, is there a safe-period when you can be sure that you wont get caught? Like do they usually ban you straight away when ur online -> boom disconnect + banned or can they ban you after 2 months even tho you havent touched the bot for a long period of time? I know that ofcourse they can ban you whenever they want and you cant ever be 100% sure that youre safe (for example the mega banwave in tbc). Any ideas? Sorry, I know my post is a mess hope you understand what I mean haha.
    4. cawpet

      cawpet Member

      Jan 23, 2010
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      No idea, can never be sure, could be tomorrow, could be in 3 months, could be in a year in a banwave.
    5. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Normally it is within a day/week. I haven't heard of anything coming up months after stopping...
      Been here a while. Could see is Tony or kickazz replies to this. They'd know the most probably (or any devs/mods for that matter.

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