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  • Leveling a mage via Questing

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Tonybelic, Oct 5, 2011.

    1. Tonybelic

      Tonybelic New Member

      Aug 28, 2011
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      So, Here's my story.

      I started a mage a few weeks back. Been using Kick's Alliance 1-58 Leveling Profile.

      I am currently level 50, with 2 days played, A decent speed but I can not AFK for a long time.

      I have had to baby it quite a bit as it often gets stuck, loops flightpaths ect. ect.

      Now, Do not get me wrong, I LOVE Kicks profiles, I am just curious where I can go from here at lvl 50 to hit 85 A.S.A.P.

      Any help, suggestions of profiles ect is appreciated. I plan on leveling 70 to 85 via Archy because, well its badass and I want some cool stuff on my mage.
    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      kick has a 59 -70 that picks up right where the profile your already using ends. so far ive been running it on my test account and have had no problems. you MIGHT be able to get away with doing pvp, but id only recommended if its EoTs weekend or AV Weekend and if you do take the pvp route, make sure you do some baby siting, because people tend to curse at people who are not doing well at battle grounds (bots) so there more of a chance not responding to whispers or requests for mage food, could get you banned. so just be aware, and only bg bot while you are awake since at night even during eots weekend i noticed there are times where the queues never quite fill up, or you have a lot of BG's that never complete because of bots, its better just to run while your awake and let it rest at night.
    3. Tonybelic

      Tonybelic New Member

      Aug 28, 2011
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      Hmm, my toon gets stuck A LOT. If I leave him leveling overnight, I come back, and there was only one time where he had even leveled, seemed he spent the whole entire night stuck on a staircase, of talking to a flight master over and over. I hate to complain, and don't want to bother Kick with my problems, but what do I do? I want to get the most out of leveling the mage because the rest of my non-play time is spent farming.
    4. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      there was a thread where you could report mesh problems, that would be a good place for such issues.
    5. jadakada

      jadakada New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I am currently leveling a mage using kicks profiles and I don't think his TBC profile is as good as the 1-58 and LK profiles to be honest. 1-58 was almost fully afkable except for a few navigation issues the bot had that had nothing to do with the profile itself. outlands was a different story, with the character constantly trying to use items he had not got yet, trying to get quests he was not elideable for either because of level or because it failed to complete a previous quest, and the overall flow being really inefficient, where it would complete one quest on one side of the map, then complete a quest across to the other side and then go back again. Maybee I was jsut spoiled with his 1-58 quest, but I ended up having to do a lot of quests manually and level through instances(arcane is op at this point).

      So far his LK profile has been doing a great job, have not got stuck and it looks like the quest order is spot on as far as efficiency goes. Kicks profiles are usually the best you will find for honorbuddy so if it is getting stuck a lot like mine was then you really have no good options to fall back on except pvp or instances. You could try a grinding profile but it would be a little more risky.
    6. Google1234

      Google1234 New Member

      Sep 8, 2011
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      actualy kick profil bug only 4 time ... level 0 to 46....

      First time in Westfal at the quest you need to go at the portal of deadmine and use a item!,

      second quest bug is in redridge montaigne the quest you need to move a BIG ROCK , the bot try to move the rock "before geting the big guys"

      i dont remember exactly where is the second 2 time,but i remember i count it lol 32 to 46 in a night without probleme !

      onother time, in plagueland, where you need to do a doll for pamela, something like that, he starts the quest but the bot dosnt help in the fight so Mission FAIL
      Last edited: Oct 6, 2011

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