I'm running this in Zul'Gurub in the room with all the snakes (where the first boss of the instance would be) and it gets stuck every 2 minutes against a wall or behind some pots. When it tries to unstick itself it just mounts and flies up then down, dismounts, then remounts and does it again repeatedly. In Borean Tundra it sticks when it steps off of one of the glaciers Is there a way to get it to stop just flying up and down when it gets stuck? As it stands this is useless
I'm doing the Penguin one and it keeps running upto the mobs and mounting and flying up and down. It does sometimes kill the packs of them but when theres only 1 left it tends to keep mounting. Is this a CC Problem or a Plugin Problem
not sure whats going on, but this will not come up under my bots list. i tried in both honorbudy beta and honorbuddy regular. cant get it to show up. so sad
maybe any can update this? can get this loaded error is Es konnte kein Bot von C:\Users\****\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5740\Bots\CritterKillSquad_1.0.7.cs erstellt werden Datei: CritterKillSquad_1.0.7.cs Pfad: 303 Fehler: "Styx.StyxWoW" enth?lt keine Definition f?r "FlightChecksDisabled".
Find static public void Init(System.EventArgs args) { runTimer.Start(); change to //if (!StyxWoW.FlightChecksDisabled) //{ // Logging.Write(System.Drawing.Color.Red, "{0} - You don't have lifetime subscription or valid paid plugin key. Stopping..", TimeNow); // TreeRoot.Stop(); //} Problem solved untill OP changes theses lines to reflect the current edition